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Hello and thanks for visiting. I'm KADEN, your personal psychic advisor. My purpose is a bit different from the rest of the psychics because I provide you with spiritual tools that you can use to enrich your life. You get more than a reading. You get a full blown reading, knowledge and advice plus your purpose here in this lifetime on Earth!

Our planet is undergoing a transformation as I type this. You (the reader) feel this transformation known as a shift of conscious. You may feel this shift based on your current situation. Something is pulling you or tugging at you but for reason, you do not know exactly what it is. It is your inner spirit or higher self or spiritual guide speaking to you from with in trying to inform you that it's time to WAKE UP !

Yes waking up means to open up your mind to a higher realm of understanding. Your love life, financial issues, peace of mind and health are all at stake now. You have been led to this page not by chance but through divine intervention.

Our entire solar system is undergoing a shift right now. Theses changes are necessary and vital to our evolement. The spiritual beings and masters are basically moving us faster than ever before because our current state of mind have been evolving to slow. So the intervention has been activated to assist us in our progress.

The crimes that our world is involved in must change or evolve meaning the people must change and evolve. LOVE IS WHO WE is our true nature. We must understand what our karmic dept is...meaning what we put out, we must receive. The Earth Karma has accumaluated so much negative energy or karma that our planet has been affected and thus the people. All of the Earth's atrosities must ceace and love and peace must once again be restored. I am only giving you the short version of this change however.

You seek answers and thus you shall receive it. So welcome and enjoy your stay here for I am here to help! May the love of the greater good be with you.    mail: