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Properties of stem cells

Health is what we unfortunately can not buy. However, we can take care of it to serve us for many years. Exercise, proper diet, no stress and a healthy lifestyle are essential tools for prevention. Unfortunately, this is not a guarantee that they do not get sick. Currently, the most dangerous and deadly disease is the most common cancer. Cancer is a disease of civilization today, which we can not effectively handle. Quite recently, however, there was hope that our children will no longer be able to move much more efficiently cure and treatment in case of illness.
All this thanks to the use of substances in the most precious substance in the world which is the umbilical cord blood. Stem cells that are in it because they are vital to our health. Thanks to their properties, the possibility of sharing and rebirth, and to create any tissue of the body, you can transplant them to those with cancer, neurological diseases and other conditions that were previously difficult or impossible to treat. However, stem cells are effective if they are used in the treatment of the person from whom they are derived directly. It is also possible feeding their siblings - or those which are very closely related and the genetic similarity is very high.
Umbilical cord blood is collected in the course of delivery. This treatment is completely safe, non-invasive and painless. The blood and the cord blood bank stores. In our country, there are both private and public institutions of this type. However, a guarantee that the blood of our children will go to him in the event of illness, offer only private banks. Blood storage fee and may be carried out for many years. But this is the best investment we can make for the sake of our child. It is in fact a second chance at life that we can give him.

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