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Always save a new file before creating a document-relative path; a document-relative path is not valid without a definite starting point. If you create a document-relative path before saving the file, Dreamweaver temporarily uses file is saved; when you save the file, path into a relative path.

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To link documents using the site map and the Point-to-File icon:

  1. Expand the Files panel, and then display both the Site Files and the Site Map views by holding down the site map icon and selecting Map and Files.
  2. Select an HTML file in the site map.The Point-to-File icon appears next to the file.
  3. Drag the Point-to-File icon and point to another file in the site map or to a local file in the Site Files view.
  4. Release the mouse button.

    A hypertext link with the name of the linked file is placed at the bottom of the selected HTML file. This method works well when you are building your site and you want to create links across the site quickly.