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My Life is a Tapestry Project

In a world of gray skies and thin silver clouds, spots of blue sometimes break through the wall of bland color. When this happens, it is usually only noticed by the dreamers or the people who take time to stop and look around them. I know, this is just a simplistic metaphor for happiness and sadness and things of that sort. But when you think about it, it is sort of true.

I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, under a darkening nighttime sky. My mother took me home after a few days of monitoring in the hospital to our small clay colored house. I was welcomed home with a big fuchsia banner staked in the yellowed January grass, proudly stating "Welcome home baby Jessica."

I was 14 months of age, when my mother and I picked up our belongings and moved to Delaware to be closer to family. We lived in a series of homes. A small graying townhouse, a house of nondescript character and oak colored panel siding, and then a fair sized bluish gray two story home with a small, plain green yard. I recall the day we moved in. The sky was a bright crisp blue, and white clouds whirled quickly across the sky. My curious eyes were everywhere, drinking in this new place. I wandered away from the big white monstrous trucks, that I remembered scared me a little deep down inside, and walked the concrete sidewalk. I wandered a fair bit down the street and found a small, wiry brown haired kid, riding a tricycle. I broke into a giant smile and struck up a conversation with this complete stranger. We became fast friends. His name was Jared, a friendly child, and my first
real friend.

After six years, my mother and I moved to our current home. A beautiful two story house, white in color with brick on the bottom half, coal black shutters, a beautiful emerald green grass that they must have paid someone to take care of. My mom and I loved it. The only reason it hadn't sold very quickly was that the backyard was tiered and was not flat like everyone wanted it to be. The week before Thanksgiving, on a cold, gray, rainy, and blustery day, we trudged our things into our new home.
Our power couldn't be activated and we had to wait for someone to come and turn it on. He finally came at seven, we had had three hours without power, and turned it on.

I have gone to one school for most of my life, and now I am in a new one for high school. It is going well so far, even though it is barely two weeks into the school year. My mom and I are still living happily with a cat and a dog, and our skies are usually blue.


Creative Writing