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Welcome to the official website for the upcoming game, Spread.

Microbes, tiny organisms covering nearly every surface on the planet, constantly endeavor to spread like wildfire. They multiply. They consume. They spread. Not all of these tiny life-forms are germs, however. One in particular, the Eusymbiote, has the ability to repair the human body. Unfortunately, it barely manages to survive in the wild. How can these rare microbes be harnessed for human use?

The task falls to you. You must take control of a miniscule nanobot and attempt to harvest the Eusymbiotes before they are eradicated by stronger organisms. Gather up lone Eusymbiotes and place them in an area that you protect, one with plenty of food to consume. As the Eusymbiotes multiply, you must protect them from advancing competitors like mindlessly replicating bacteria or the dreaded, roving amoeba. A ranged taser will help you halt the encroaching mob. Strategically placing other microbes that have useful traits, along with using your electric fence gadget, will allow you to hinder your enemies' advance. You must employ all of your abilities to the full extent if you wish to harvest the Eusymbiotes for the wellbeing of mankind.

Are you up to the challenge?

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