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 I'm going to talk about the dogs and the different dogs that exist.


The dogs need a person to take care of them, you need to give them the food in the quantity that is recommended, you need to take them for a ride, they need to be drinking water and the have to play or be entertained, because if they are bored and you don't play with them, they will start to make disaters in the house or in the place you have them.


Exist different dogs, to some of them you have to be cutting their hair because their hair go being larger, to others you have to be passing them the brush for dogs and quit their hair that have been falling down and you will have to washb the dog in a pet thing.

You need to be taking care of them and you can't let them eat things from the ground because those things can create problems in his stomach and you will have to make them a surgery and they can't be much time in the cold because can be caused another problem in his stomach and you will have to make him a surgery in the one is not much possible to the dog to survive, that problem can be caused again with a normal cold and the surgery can't be made again so you will have to let the dog die if that pass again.


Now you know that if you are going to have a dog you will have to be responsable and take a good care of the dog.