Sup, Mon?

They didn't see it coming....

(Scene shows JahMon pulling the ropes and Tommy O'Malley falling to the floor)

They couldn't believe it was true...

(Another scene shows Eno Redrum standing over the body of Katu Tui with a lead pipe in his hand)


(Footage of JahMon appearing at the top of the stage)

My time to shine....

(Present day, an empty gym, outside the sun shines brightly through the windows near the top of the walls, patterns of light illuminate the gym, just barely. In the middle of the gym, in his trademark green and yellow warm up pants, his black jacket with the Jamaican flag on the back, hood up, tirelessly working on a jump rope, he makes no sound, just the swish swish swish of the rope. He stares far off into the distance, steady on the rope he goes, his face, a look of focused determination, his eyes, an intensity that seems to grow with each passing moment, he speeds up his pace, faster, faster, beads of sweat begin to form upon his forehead, his scowl becomes more sinister, his eyes more determined, quickening his pace steadily now, faster, faster, faster, then blackness, the screen goes black as if someone blacked out the windows, but we still hear the swish swish swish, the labored breathing, then it stops, no more swish swish swish....)

JahMon: OY!

(a spotlight comes on directly over JahMon's head, he is now kneeling, his focus still on that far off place, almost as if he is only here physically, in his mind, he's somewhere far away, perhaps back in Jamaica, perhaps he's in Ireland, maybe Amsterdam, or maybe just maybe he's at Showdown.)

JahMon: So Martin wants to shake things up and put me in a boxing match with Tommy? That suit me just fine mon, you see mon, I never actually really had a problem with Tommy O'Malley, he was a good little boy in the Uprising, he'd stick to looking like a tough Irish butthead and let Katu do the talking, he seemed to buy into the bull Katu was feeding us that we're all equal. Hey Tommy, me costing you the match was nothing personal, I just had to make sure you and Katu BOTH understood who killed the uprising. Now Katu's off to Samoa to enjoy his coconuts and totem poles or whatever, I say good riddance, he was just being some ripoff of another Samoan guy, really, that gimmick was getting old mon. You on the other hand, were just a victim of circumstance, you see, once I provided Eno Redrum with the weapon he needed to destroy Katu, I couldn't very well allow another Uprising member to win the title because if anyone in the Uprising is going to be the World Champ, it was going to be ME. Yeah, call me selfish, I don't care mon, you do realize that once the title was up for grabs, the Uprising would all want it? Hell if that wasn't what you wanted, then maybe you should leave the business mon. Face it mon, we were going to destroy each other to get that title, I'd be lyin if I said we wasn't mon, and you know it, so I did you and Katu a favor, I nipped it in the bud before it would start, you should be thanking me, two less people you gotta worry about competing for that title, Katu and Motu are gone, you should be happy, that means your chances of becoming World Champion just got a tad bit easier yah mon.

(sometime during JahMon's little monologue, he produced a blunt almost as big as his arm, and proceeds to light it up and take monster hits from it. Suddenly the gym becomes a smoky haze, with each puff and exhale, smoke lingers above JahMon's head, he takes a few more puffs and then slowly lets the smoke escape from his mouth and nose, then he pulls his hood down and we see his face, determination is written all over his facial muscles, jaw clenched tight, eyes looking like they could pierce steel, smoke escapes from his mouth and then he relaxes)

JahMon: So a boxing match *chuckles* Good one Mr. Martin, I forgot to mention something in my resume when I applied here, I was a boxing champion in high school. Granted I was nowhere near Tommy O'Malley's caliber, but I know a thing or two about the sport, and while I admire your attempt to shock, I must say it was a poor attempt to undermine my abilities. I'll square up with Tommy in that ring, the gloves on my hands, the guard in my mouth, and I'll box with him, maybe I'll win, maybe he will, it doesn't matter mon, you see, at any given moment, your little TWD could be under attack from my mentor, Tommy and the Tui brothers found out last week just how quick and elusive my mentor is. None of them saw him coming, and to be honest, no one else did either except for me. So Mr. Martin, the question you may want to ask yourself mon is, "Who is this guy?" I know you run a tight ship around here mon, but I promise you, he will not cause any of your wrestlers any harm, not permanent anyway.

(a smile comes to JahMon's face as he continues to puff on the blunt, his thought process seems to shift suddenly and before you know it he's on his feet staring hard at the camera)

JahMon: Tommy O'Malley, I ain't got none problem with ya mon, but I ain't one to back off from a fight or from my job, I understand you're a bit ticked at me mon, you have every right to be, I ain't gon apologize for my actions tho mon, so I guess that means we're gonna have to work it out one uppercut at a time eh? Thats fine with me mon, I'm all for a bit of nose bashing if you're down with some eye smashing. What I'm sayin mon is, I'll give you a chance to take your anger out on me, as long as you realize mon, you would have done exactly the same thing if you felt the same way I did mon, don't deny it, you'd stab us in the back if it meant gold at the end of the rainbow. Just remember mon, when its all said and done, I'll be happy to light one up with ya mon, win or lose.

(JahMon finishes off his blunt and smiles at the camera, then he exhales a huge cloud of white smoke and walks away out of view)