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4 Principles Of Effective Web Design You Should Know

Websites that are not designed properly tend to perform poorly in general. They not only attract few readers, but also have low conversion rates and low SEO ranking. So, how do you make your site aesthetically pleasing and functional at the same time? Here are 4 principles of effective web design you should consider:


If you want to keep your website visitors always coming back, then make sure that you communicate with them clearly. Your content should be relevant, useful, engaging and very easy to read. In addition, consider using headlines as well as sub headlines to help you organize your content. Readers also prefer content posts that are short and to the point as opposed to long and repetitive ones, so consider this as well.

Load Time

It is no secret that many online users dislike sites that take forever to load. Therefore, make sure that your website loads faster compared to your competitors if you want to enhance its usability and effectiveness. Some of the things you can do to increase load time include optimizing image sizes and scale, as well as minifying HTML, Javascript and CSS.

Mobile Friendly

Most people nowadays prefer using mobile devices like tablets, smartphones, iPads and iPhones to do various things online (watching movies, gaming, searching for information or purchasing different things) as opposed to the traditional desktop. A web designer like can help your site become more mobile friendly.  More and more people access the internet from their phones, thus it therefore pays to make your website mobile friendly if you don’t want to loose your current visitors and potential customers to your competitors. This means that it should be easily accessible from different mobile devices with a wide range of screen sizes.


Finally, make sure the images you post alongside your content are of high quality and relevant. The right images will go a long way in helping you connect with your readers and positioning your brand better. Other than photos, infographics and videos are also exceptionally effective in communicating with readers so include them as well.

Use these simple web design principles to help you create an aesthetically pleasing and functional website.