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The Journey to a Lasting


Weight Loss begins in your Mind...



      WANTED:        undefined



*You accept all the facts why you should lose weight
*You’ve tried all diets, pills and exercise programs anyone can imagine only for you    to come back to gain weight yet again
*You’re very upset every time you take a look in the mirror
*You stay away from shopping, because you just can’t find anything that fits you


*You’re really upset every time you take a look in the mirror at yourself
*You feel anger, sadness, hopelessness and helplessness for being overweight 
*You’ve even thought of going for liposuction and gastric bypass surgical operation





Well then you just found what

you were really looking for.




You know that if you can exercise more and eat less, you will certainly lose weight... That is what everyone thinks isn't it?


Then why is it that most of us cannot achieve our desired weight permanently?


Here are 3 major obstacles preventing us from achieving and maintaining our desired weight.


The 1st major obstacle:


The False Belief we have that diets are the only success path to permanent weight loss









 The 1st Road Block of the Mind:


"The False Belief we have that diet are the only success path to permanent weight loss"





Science has proven that this is untrue.


Diets do not treat the root cause but only the symptom, and they do far more damage than good because of the following 3 important reasons:

1.Slow down your metabolism
2.Bad food choices
3.Tell your body to convert your energy to fat





Lesson To Learn: The Journey to a lasting weight loss begins in your mind






The 2nd Road Block of the Mind:


      "Emotional Eating"




Unwanted weight is much less of what you eat, but actually what’s eating you!


Weight gain in most people is caused by emotional eating. They are eating for comfort because of self image and the way they feel.


They use food to comfort their feelings of loneliness, sadness, anger, insecurity, fear, hopelessness, upset, worries or loss of control…


Your subconscious mind is the origin of your emotions and the good part is that the solutions reside there too.







The 3rd Road Block of the Mind:


"Negative Mental Programming"


Eating habit and self image develop throughout our lifetime and are genetically connected to our subconscious mind.


Hypnosis in effect exploits your subconscious mind and rebuilds a new relationship with food for life.


On the other hand, hypnotherapy transforms your negative thoughts and feelings into very beneficial emotional and behavioral empowerment. Immediately those beliefs and feelings are transformed to new positive healthy beliefs and great feelings of being in self control, there will no longer be any need for you to reach out for food for self comfort.



Using Hypnosis you will program yourself to completely ignore:

•Foods with lots of Sugar
•Foods with lots of Salt
•Greasy foods 
•Heavy foods
•Processed and artificial foods



For your entire life, while at the same time naturally love to take  healthy, nutritious, foods such as fruits and vegetables.


Now you have no more excuses.
It’s time you freed yourself from excess weight forever without looking back.



"You will be satisfied with your weight loss and enjoy yourself because the weight loss will bring you a secondary benefit. It will be your reward of the deep, lifelong transformation of your self-image and permanent changes in your eating habits."







For are Recorded Message Call





This is our simple premise in the system:



1. Come to one of our parties and become educated on healthy, proper eating habits by a certified hypnotist.


2. Learn the  techniques you need to achieve healthier and permanent eating habits.


3. Experience the joy of a light trance state and the great power of "focused concentration & relaxation" to rapidly achieve these changes in your lifestyle.


4. Take home a vary informative workbook and one free audio CD program which you need to continue the program and the knowledge you so desire to start losing weight immediately!


5. Do it all for as little as $50 per guest.



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