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  1. Better control over business processes
  2. Helpful overview of staff activities, performance and attendance.
  3. More time to understand your tough business challenges
  4. More time to strategy and plan key business activities
  5. Provides better focus and direction for staff so they don’t waste their time
  6. Eliminates paper waste and processing activities (e.g. timesheets and vacation forms)
  7. Better communication with staff and thus better customer service
  8. Better awareness of employee problems before you lose them
  9. Better orientation of new hr software employees
  10. Easing employee stress and confusion
  11. Less expensive to finance than purchased and hosted software
  12. Less confusion means you’re more energized, optimistic and less fatigued
  13. Improved employee relationships and happier employees
  14. Better adherence to pressing government regulations and restrictions
  15. More time to improve products/services and your unique value proposition
  16. Greater confidence in yourself as a great manager