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We created How To Brew At Home to be your one stop shop for brewing beer at home. We are a team of two avid home brewers. A few years ago we thought it would be fun to try so began our journey. We are from Madison Wisconsin which has a huge beer drinking community. However, not too many beer making stores. I mean there are a few homebrewing stores in the area but when I first stepped into one I was immediately overwhelmed. What the hell is a carboy? Is plastic good, or should I go with glass? Do I really need to sanitize before I brew and after? These were just some of the many questions we had when thinking about starting a homebrewing project. We figured we could just go into the store, talk to the person working or people working there and do it that way. Let me just tell you, this was a bad idea. The guy working there didn't care or seem to know anything about homebrewing or the process. He was nice enough but was little to know help and admitted he just worked there weekends to give him some extra money as he was a student. This was enough to leave us a little hopeless.

Now while we place no blame with the kid working at the homebrewing shop, we were however, shocked at the lack of information for first time home brewers. So know that walking into a shop and getting all of the necessary info and equipment was out, what next? This is when we turned to the internet. To our surprise this there was a wealth of information available, and even a bunch of different companies selling homebrewing starter kits, intermediate kits, and even ingredients. As we read and learned more and more we got more confused. No joke! Every starter kit was slightly different and all of them claimed to be the best. We also got a bunch of information about the brewing process itself, both from the internet and books we rented from the local public library. As you can imagine this was a ton to take in. But we were up for the challenge. So we began reading and taking notes. To be honest between the books and the internet there is some very good information out there. The problem is that it is extremely scattered and hard to put all together. A lot of the information contradicts eachother and some of it is just plain out of date. So while you can find what you need, it just takes a very long time and lots of research.

After collecting all of the info and actually getting all of the home brewing equipment we sat down and brewed our first batch. It turned out horrible as we ran into many bumps that we did not predict or read about. Even though our first batch of pale ale was a complete disaster, we were in love with the homebrewing process and determined to make a delicious batch. After much practice and many more hours of research, we started to become mini experts on this fun and fascinating process. Even helping other people in the area and online with their very own home brewing projects. It was then that we decided to launch our own website, one that we wish would have been there in the beginning for us.

How To Brew At Home is a great and valuable resource for anyone looking to brew beer at home. Whether you are brand new and know absolutely nothing about the process or you are somewhat of an expert on home brewing, our goal was to make a site that would cater to everyone's needs. How To Brew At Home has you covered form every angle. Not only can you find everything you would want for home brewing but it is all laid out on a perfectly designed and easy to use site. We have compiled only the very best home brewing kits from the best and most reliable home brewing companies. We also provide both written and video reviews for homebrewing kits. This is very important because it allows you to make an informed decision and ensures you know exactly what you are getting and what everything is used for. How To Brew At Home also has fresh beer ingredients and reviews on those as well. With direct links to the manufacturers sites, ordering is a breeze as well. 

In conclusion, the home brewing process is very fun. It allows you to be the master creator and tweak and perfect things just how you like them. You can brew one batch, adjust your recipe slightly and make a completely different beer. Once you perfect your process you will be shocked at how good your beer tastes. Nothing feels better than inviting your friends over for a football game or something and tapping a keg of ice cold beer that you made! Your friends would drop to there knees and give you praises. So no matter your skill level be sure to check out our site. You will be happy you did.