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The Islamic republic of Iran has failed to hear the voice of the people. Instead, they have focused their efforts on breeding an ideology of hatred, mistrust and alienation.  As a result, people are suffering from poverty and oppression. Corruption is rampant and basic human rights are violated.  


The time has come to establish a government that serves the interests of the people, headed by a shah who shall serve as symbol of national identity; who shall remain cognizant of convictions of the people in shia Islam; and whose powers shall forever remain limited by this constitution.

Iran has a rich culture and history.  Yet, throughout the ages it has suffered at the hands of its own rulers as well as imperialist powers.  Ambitious rulers have used manipulation, coercion and oppression to achieve their own objectives. Countless lives have been sacrificed in the process and many more have suffered. 

The lessons of our history, from the time of Cyrus the Great to the Islamic Golden Age, are clear. The most prosperous and happy times have been when we have embraced a philosophy of tolerance and respect.

Throughout ages Iranian people have been warm hearted and hospitable.  We are people who care about and strive for the welfare of our families, the people around us and our society.  We have a sense of humanity and strive for excellence in the arts, sciences and the development of virtues.  We uphold justice, dignity and respect. We encourage compassion and understanding towards others, and inspire creativity.  We respect the wisdom of our elders and the learned. We have a culture deeply rooted in Islam, and our lives are guided by its principles. We embrace every citizen as member of our family, and we treat each with respect. We respect diversity of thought, culture and individual expression.

The time has come for us to choose our own destiny.  Emboldened by our common faith in Islamic teachings, our sense of morality and our hope for a better tomorrow we shall establish a just government that serves the people.

We seek a government that strives for the good of the people, protecting the rights of the people, supporting freedom of expression and listening to the people; a government that creates an environment for the spiritual and material development of its citizens and advancement of the nation in knowledge, commerce and industry; a government with the aim of social justice, defense and the general welfare of its citizens; a government responsible for the creation and maintenance of infrastructure, providing a framework for economic growth and stability; a government that maintains a goal of wage fairness, while rewarding achievement and innovation; a government that endeavors to preserve our religious ideals and enforce standards of decency and morality; a government that stands united, harmonious and accountable.

This constitution shall set the framework for a government that protects our rights and seeks the welfare and advancement of the nation. Guided by the elders, learned and the pious, the constitution shall be modifiable by the will of the people.   

Article 1 

The nation of Iran shall be an indivisible and independent entity. The constitution of Iran will be a parliamentary monarchy governed by laws set forth by the representatives of the people in the parliament and guided by the principles of Islam. 

Article 2

The official religion of Iran is shia Islam. All Islamic schools are to be accorded full respect. 

Islamic philosophy will provide the framework for moral and spiritual development of the individual. The Islamic religious leaders shall have a great role as educators of the hearts and spirits, helping people improve character, develop morals and virtues.  As spiritual leaders, they shall have no role in governing the material world.  It is our hope to bring people's hearts closer to God, but the free will of the individual shall be respected.

Article 3

All religious minorities are free to perform their religious rites and ceremonies, and to act according to their own canon in matters of personal affairs and religious education, within the limits of the law.

Article 4 

The Official Language and script of Iran is Persian. Official documents, correspondence, and texts must be in this language and script.  However, the use of regional and tribal languages in the press and mass media, as well as for teaching of their literature in schools, is allowed in addition to Persian.

Article 5

The Official Calendar of the country takes as its point of departure the migration of the Prophet of Islam.  The official weekly holiday is Friday.

Article 6

The Shah of Iran shall serve as the head of state, a nonpartisan custodians of political morality, and a symbol of national identity. He shall represent Iran in international affairs. He shall not enter into or revoke any obligation the fulfillment of which requires parliamentary approval. He shall have the right to advise, warn and introduce bills to the parliament.  He shall have the right to grant amnesty and pardon.  He shall have the right to dissolve parliament and call for an election at the request of the prime minister. The shah shall have the additional role of recognizing success and excellence, and promoting the ideals of the nation.

Article 7

The first Shah shall be Kianoosh Sanjari and he shall have the right to appoint his successor. In the event of his passing prior to appointment of a successor, parliament shall vote for a new shah.

Article 8

The affairs of the country of Iran must be administered by the parliament. The civil, penal, financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations will be determined by the parliament. These laws will be enforced by appointed ministers who will in turn be responsible to the elected parliament.

Article 9 (Parliament)

The parliament will be composed of 290 individuals elected by secret ballot every 4 years. Members of parliament must be at least 30 years of age and Iranian citizens for at least 10 years.  They may not occupy any religious clerical position. They will set legislations and laws governing the land.  Such laws must be in conformity with the spirit of this constitution. A quorum of at least 194 members will be required for any parliamentary act or legislation to be valid.

Article 10 (Parliamentary chairman)

Members of parliament will vote annually to determine a chairman from among themselves whose primary responsibilities will be facilitation of meetings and formal ratification of legislation that has been approved by a parliamentary majority.  However, legislation can be formally ratified by any member of parliament once a majority consensus has been reached. Unrelated issues under consideration by parliament must be considered and voted on separately.   Discussion and voting on matters before parliament shall take place in closed sessions in order that representatives may express and vote their conscience without outside pressures.

Article 11 (Responsibilities of Parliament)

The elected parliament will be the legislative governing body of Iran.

Its duties and responsibilities will be to:

1.  Enact laws

2.  Delineate general policies of Iran

3.  Declare war 

4.  Appoint or remove the prime minister and cabinet ministers

5.  Ratify treaties

6.  Approve an annual budget

7.  Monitor the activities of the ministries and government companies and help steer 


Article 12 

Parliamentary members will be eligible for retirement at the age of 65.  Impeachment of members for treason, bribery or other crimes may occur with at least 3/4 of parliamentary vote.  In the event of a parliamentary seat vacancy for above reasons or due to resignation or death of a member a referendum shall be triggered for the election of a new member of parliament from the appropriate district.

Article 13

A Prime Minister shall be appointed by parliament every 4 years to serve as the head of government organizing the activities of government.  He shall be chosen from among members of parliament as an individual who has the support of the majority of parliament. At the first meeting of the year the Prime Minister shall give an account of the general state of the country and of the measures proposed by the government.    He shall submit an annual budget of governmental expenditures to parliament for consideration. The prime minister and cabinet ministers shall be held accountable to parliament.  The prime minister shall not remain in office after a vote of no confidence by parliament. Likewise, individual cabinet ministers may be dismissed by parliament with a vote of no confidence.

Article 14

The Prime Minister shall command the armed forces under the direction of parliament. Except for the purpose of defense against an armed attack he shall not use military force without the consent of parliament.

Article 15

Local and provincial councils of 7 individuals each shall be elected every 2 years.  They will operate under the direction of parliament.  The degree of authority in local and regional governance shall be outlined by parliament.   Their constitutions may not contain laws or objectives that are in opposition to this constitution or the laws set forth by parliament. Their operations shall be funded by the ministry of revenue. They shall annually submit a budget of anticipated projects and expenses to the ministry of revenue. Funds shall be allocated to local and provincial governments based on local tax contributions and needs.  Government issued bonds and grants shall be available for approved projects.  Local law enforcement, under the authority of local governments shall be responsible for the protection of life, property and the rights of citizens, as well as maintenance of order.  

Article 16 (Judiciary)

The judicial system will be comprised of local and regional courts as well as the supreme court of Iran.  The seven members of the supreme court shall be appointed by the parliament.  Any member of parliament may nominate an individual and that individual may then be appointed to the supreme court with the vote of confidence of at least 2/3 of the members of parliament so long as he meets the basic qualifications.  Members of the supreme court must be at least 40 years old, have at least 10 years experience as judges, be Iranian citizens and not have any criminal history.  Members of the supreme court will be eligible for retirement at the age of 65.  

Article 17

Local and provincial court judges shall be appointed based on merit by judicial nominating commissions.  The commissions shall be composed of two Islamic scholars and 3 distinguished citizens, all of whom shall be appointed by the local and regional councils. They will be responsible for the appointment of local and regional judges respectively.

Article 18

Salaries of all government officials will be determined by experience, rank and expertise, not to exceed ten times per capita income.  It shall be further guided by parliamentary legislation.  In order to avoid conflict of interest government officials may not hold secondary government or public employee positions.

Article 19

A national integrity organization shall be established to uphold standards of ethics in government.  All ministries with respective agencies and government companies as well as local and regional governments will be required to file a transparent report of their activities annually.  The national integrity organization may independently investigate and verify the accuracy of the reports.  The organization will be responsible and will report directly to the parliament.  The reports shall be made available to the public. The departments of interior, defense and intelligence may only have financial audits. Parliament may request an investigation into the practices of any agency, government company or private corporation at any time through the national integrity organization.  Additionally, the organization shall perform annual audit of itself.  

Article 20

Guarding against excessive influence on government by special interest groups is vital to ensuring a government that serves the people.  National and regional campaigning funds will be created and funds will be made available for parliamentary candidates with significant support as determined by parliamentary legislation.   Only contributions to these funds and not to individual candidates will be allowed.  Informational platforms shall be generated to acquaint the public to individual candidates.  Secondly, a parliamentary research service will be created as a neutral source of information, expertise, and policy analysis.

Article 21

Governance shall be decentralized and integrated.  In relation to local affairs, the central government shall be involved in formulating guidelines and standards, and adjusting revenue streams, while local governments shall have the freedom to plan and manage their own affairs.  Local governments must, in turn, be transparent and accountable for their activities.

Article 22 (ministries)

The ministers of interior, defense, agriculture, education, finance, revenue, foreign affairs, intelligence, healthcare, labor, mass-media/telecommunication, natural resources, and environmental protection shall be appointed by members of parliament.  Ministers may be nominated by the prime minister or any member of parliament and approved with a majority vote.  They shall serve for a term of 4 years with subsequent eligibility for renewal.  

Article 23 (ministry of interior)

The ministry of interior shall be responsible for policing, emergency management, supervision of local governments, conduct of elections and immigration.

A national police force shall operate under the direction of the ministry of interior, with its objectives and jurisdiction outlined by the parliament.

Article 24 (ministry of foreign affairs)

The minister of foreign affairs will be tasked with engaging in international dialogue and negotiations as a liaison for parliament with the intent of promoting international harmony.

Article 25 (Infrastructure)

The ministry of infrastructure shall manage roads, bridges, railways, power stations, water supplies, and airports.

Article 26 (ministry of finance)

The ministry of finance shall be in charge of managing the governments finances, collecting taxes, issuing currency and managing public debt under the direction of parliament. The Iranian central bank shall control the money supply, establish reserve requirements, and act as the lender of last resort. Private banking, insurance and other risk-based financial ventures shall be regulated to promote solvency, fairness and transparency.  Monetary policy will aim at balancing price stability with appropriate growth and inflationary targets.

Article 27 (ministry of telecommunication and mass media)

The ministry of telecommunication and mass media will be responsible for monitoring and enforcing our cultural standards as outlined by parliament while respecting individual privacy and diversity of opinions. This sector of the economy shall be a cooperative with private and public elements.

Article 28 (ministry of intelligence)

The ministry of intelligence will be responsible for gathering intelligence related to national security, criminal activities that span multiple provinces, criminal activities involving government officials, and other intelligence as requested by the prime minister.  

Article 29 (ministry of agriculture)

The ministry of agriculture will be tasked with overseeing and supporting the privately managed agricultural sector.

Article 30 (ministry of natural resources)

The ministry of natural resources  will be tasked with managing the public industries of oil, gas, mineral, water and other natural resources.

Article 31 (ministry of environmental protection)

The ministry of environmental protection will be tasked with the protection of the environment that sustains us.  Under the guidance of parliament and with the assistance of field experts standards of pollution and strategies for environmental protection shall be developed and enforced.  We will work together with other nations to limit environmental pollution.

Article 32 (ministry of labor)

The ministry of labor shall be tasked with monitoring the labor market and promoting maximum employment and fair wages.  It shall seek a balanced wage dispersion designed to limit income inequality while supporting economic growth.

Article 33 (social welfare)

The ministry of social welfare shall be tasked with helping the destitute and misfortunate become productive and contented members of society.   They shall work together with law enforcement to assist those with destructive lifestyles and habits develop more healthy lifestyles and habits.

Article 34 (ministry of Defense)

The ministry of defense will have an army, navy and air force.  They shall be mobilized as necessary by the minister of defense under the direction of parliament.  The primary purpose of the armed forces will be to protect the territory and sovereignty of Iran and to maintain peace and security.  The secondary purpose will be to provide humanitarian aid during disasters both within our borders and internationally.  The tertiary purpose will be cooperation with other nations to ensure our collective security.  

Article 35 (international relations)

In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent global society Iran will be diligent in the preservation of Islamic culture, family values, and standards of decency and morality.  As we expect that our way of life and our sovereignty is respected, so shall we respect the way of life of other people and nations.  Our foreign policy will have an emphasis on international harmony. International laws will be respected. 

Article 36 (Healthcare)

Every citizen has a right to basic health care and we shall aim to protect citizens from excessive financial burden associated with healthcare.  The state shall create and regulate the medical infrastructure and provide for insurance subsidies with demonstrated need with the goal of making healthcare accessible and affordable to all citizens.  The healthcare systems must promote cooperation, and emphasize patient education on nutrition, sanitation, disease prevention, as well as patient and provider accountability. The government shall regulate and monitor privately managed hospitals and clinics. Universal compulsory health insurance shall be comprehensive and fully subsidized for the poor and elderly, and incrementally subsidized in relation to income. The disabled shall be adequately subsidized. Health insurance shall be privately managed with government oversight.  Insurance premiums may not be related to age or health status. 

Article 37 (Education)

The state shall provide free primary and secondary education for all its citizens and provide support for higher education with demonstrated need.  The ministry of education will be responsible for setting curricula, standards and broad policies. Islamic studies shall be incorporated into the education system.

Article 38 (Economy)

The state shall have a public and private sector. The public sector will consist of education, natural resources, and infrastructure. The private sector will consist of agriculture, animal husbandry, trade and services supplementing the public sector.   The telecommunication, mass media, healthcare and financial sectors shall be a cooperatives. There shall be oversight by the ministry of finance for the purpose of market and price stability.  Laws relating to private ownership as well as fair and just practices in relation to wealth and material accumulation will be legislated by parliament.  

Article 39 (Social Security and Retirement)

The state shall create and manage a social security system that will provide for the elderly, disabled, widows, veterans and those who are temporarily unemployed.  The agency shall help those who are temporarily unemployed to find befitting work.  A defined-benefit basic pension scheme will be created for the elderly, supplemented by age-based pension benefits tied to income and years contribution to workforce.  The age of retirement and benefits shall be outlined by parliamentary legislation.


Article 40 (Revenues and Debt)

Revenues shall be derived from government controlled companies, natural resources and taxation.  Individual, corporate and properties tax structures will be legislated by parliament with the aim of social justice.  All taxes will be collected by the ministry of revenue except for consumption taxes which shall be determined and collected by local governments.  There shall be no local or provincial corporate or individual income taxes. 

It is not the intention of the state to amass great wealth nor is it to incur destabilizing debt. Rather, revenues are intended for the welfare of its citizens, defense, infrastructure, healthcare, education, maintenance of government agencies as well as material and spiritual growth and advancement of individuals and the nation.  To this end, both national debt and reserves shall be limited to 50% of gross domestic product.  Any excess revenue beyond the reserve limit shall be returned to the citizens in the form of a tax refund.

Article 41 (Basic needs)

It shall be the duty of government to ensure adequate healthcare, education and basic housing for all its citizens.  All citizens are entitled to engage in a trade of their choosing. The government will seek to ensure maximum employment and provide for the basic needs of those who are disabled or temporarily unemployed. Additionally, the government shall provide for the needs of children without guardians.

Article 42

Abject poverty places a great burden on individuals and society. A charity fund dedicated to helping the poor shall be established  and those who are more financially capable may willingly contribute without being compelled to do so.  The non-profit organization shall be regulated by government, but independently managed.

Article 43

Every accused shall be considered innocent until proven guilty.  No one may be arbitrarily detained, nor may anyone be detained or arrested except where the law so prescribes.

Article 44

The government shall be prohibited from inflicting cruel punishment, physical torture or other inhumane treatments on its citizens. 

Article 45 (Freedoms and Rights)

Every individual will have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, movement, residence and peaceful demonstration.  Everyone has the right to life, liberty, leisure, rest, thought, conscience, religion, fair trial, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights shall be guaranteed so long as the exercise of these rights does not infringe on the rights of other citizens or compromise national security. 

Article 46

The development of arts, sciences and music shall be encouraged and supported.  They shall be held to standards of decency and morality.

Article 47 

The state's aim shall be the protection of it's citizens and creation of peace and security in the nation. It shall be forbidden to kill or steal.  Forced labor, assault, rape, neglect and all forms of abuse, and the exploitation of children shall be forbidden.  Tax evasion and other financial crimes shall not be tolerated.  The government shall seek to protect the dignity, rights and property of its citizens.  Parliamentary legislation shall detail laws designed for the protection of citizens.  Punishment for crimes shall be individualized and guided by parliamentary legislation with the intent of rehabilitation, deterrence and crime prevention. Capital punishment shall be reserved for the most atrocious murders.  Treason and terrorism shall not be tolerated.  Parliamentary legislation shall clarify social crimes that threaten the fabric of our society.

Article 48 (Non-discrimination)

No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, creed, or language.

Article 49 (Voting Rights)

All citizens who are 18 years of age and older have the right to vote for government officials.  Voters shall be free to choose officials that represent their ideals.  Voting for parliamentary members will occur via a two-round system method.

Article 50 (Equality)

Both men and women shall be equal in the eyes of the law.  Both shall be held to standards of decency in attire as legislated by parliament.  Men and women shall have equal opportunities for education and the workplace.  Both men and women will be allowed to enter and participate at all levels of government.  Both will be allowed to participate in sports events. Pregnant and nursing mothers must be properly supported.

Article 51

A system shall be created through which individuals may express concerns or suggestions to the government and if a significant portion of the population or of a particular group share the same sentiments then the government shall be obliged to respond.

Article 52 (Amendments)

This constitution serves the people and shall be modifiable according to the will of the people.  Any proposed revision must be ratified by a 3/4 majority of parliament and 

majority public vote.

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