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There is no appropriate reason that one fit individual must do a low intensity workout regimen unless they simply aren't truly interested in getting good results. A low intensity workout, which means exercises wherein your heart rate is about 60 percent of its maximum rate, are rather inefficient for anything besides really gradual and slow weight loss. They won't help you boost your metabolism, they won't help much in muscle mass building, and they won't do much for endurance and strength.


High Intensity fitness

A high intensity training, which are exercises that push the heart rate up to seventy five percent of its maximum or more, is much better for nearly every aspect of your overall health.

Your maximum heart rate can be determined by taking away your present age from two hundred twenty. So, for example, if you are 50 at the moment, then your maximum heart rate is 170 beats per minute. Don't let the term "maximum heart rate" fool or scare you. This simply means that going over this heart rate would not harm the heart.

The two hundred twenty-age method is only an approximation and, depending on your individual physiology, you could find yourself going beyond that number. Because it is nearly not possible to injure a healthy heart by exercise, that's nothing to be worried about.

The right time for low intensity exercises is after or before high intensity exercises since they could help you cool down or warm up. If you are recovering from an illness or injury, just beginning to workout, obese and out of shape or an elderly, then low intensity exercises could be most useful.

The sad part is that there are some people who aren't getting the real results that high intensity workouts could provide because their personal trainer suggested them to do low intensity workouts. Normally, a trainer would suggest the less effective low intensity workout for one of two reasons: confusion or personal protection.

If a trainer opts for a safer route which can cause the least harm and recommends low intensity workouts so as to avoid lawsuits then this is known as personal protection. Most trainers who will do this are either totally uncertain of their abilities, intending to be absent during their clients training session, or just unfit to be a trainer. - High Intensity fitness