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Hemorrhoid is an ailment, which affects the anal opening of the body. In this, a lump formation takes place at the anus. This makes passing of stools painful and is often accompanied by bleeding. The lumps may get formed inside the anal canal, or outside the opening. When the lumps are formed inside, then it is referred to as internal Hemorrhoid, whereas when it is formed outside, then it is known as external hemorrhoid. The treatments, which are used for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, can be used for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids as well.


There are a number of reasons, which can lead to this condition. Some of these reasons are avoidable, whereas a few can not be avoided. However, the ailment is usually caused due to avoidable reasons, such as prolonged constipation. Constipation is one of the most prominent causes of this condition. When a person is suffering from constipation, then in that case, he/she tends to strain while passing the stools. This leads to the formation of lumps near the anal opening, which are referred to as hemorrhoid or piles. Other major reasons include obesity, alcoholism, smoking, tobacco addiction, heredity factors, pregnancy, as well as old age. While some of these reasons like old age and heredity factors are beyond one’s control, other factors like obesity, smoking and alcoholism can definitely be avoided.


While most of the cases of this ailment take place in the age group of 40 – 60, there is also an alarming increase in the number of young people being affected with this condition as well. As a matter of fact, these days, even children are getting affected by this ailment. It is in fact believed that more than half the population of United States is suffering from this condition. However, there are a number of help centers across America, which can help you in taking care of this problem.


You can always go to these help centers and ask for help in regard to the treatment of this condition, and they would be glad to provide you with proper assistance in this regard. You may also search for online help. A simple search on any search engine will help you get across to a number of websites, which would provide you with assistance in this regard. You can also get an appointment fixed up with a physician through the phone numbers provided on these sites. Some of these sites also provide you with the facility of online appointments. Apart from this, they also provide you with the basic Do’s and Don’ts in regard to the treatment of this condition.


I was suffering from hemorrhoids and was trying to find a solution on how to get rid of hemorrhoids fast and then I came across hem relief which helped me a lot in curing hemorrhoids. This proved out to be the simplest and the most effective method for me