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Hemorrhoid Removal – Symptoms and Diagnosis of the Condition

Hemorrhoids, contrary to common perception, are a part of the human anatomy. And before you even explore the options for hemorrhoid removal, it is necessary that we put several things in the proper perspective.

Hemorrhoids are basically the tissue masses that are located along the anal canal. These tissue masses are surrounded by elastic fibers, muscles tissues and veins. The notion of most people is that hemorrhoids are tissue anomalies, although such reference is somewhat flawed. The truth of the matter is that hemorrhoid is not a medical condition as these are part of our anatomy. Problem arises when the tissue masses are overstretched beyond their normal range due to constant or repeated straining as a result of chronic constipation

Potential Triggers of Internal and External Hemorrhoids

The inflammation and swelling of the hemorrhoids can be due chronic diarrhea, constipation, obesity, prolonged sitting and standing, especially in crowded places, lifting of heavy objects and pregnancy. When exposed to these potential triggers of hemorrhoid problem, a person would tend to hold off and restrain oneself from going to the toilet for an extended period of time or at times exert too much pressure from straining due to constipation. The choice of the appropriate option for hemorrhoid removal will depend on the type of hemorrhoid as well as the underlying causes or trigger of the hemorrhoid problem.

Typical Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hemorrhoid Problem

The typical symptoms associated with the hemorrhoid problem are relatively distinct and easy to detect. When a person goes to the toilet, he or she experiences discomfort and pain while defecating. There is also a possibility that you have a problem with your hemorrhoid if you feel constant or persistent burning and itching in the anal area.

Before you decide on a particular method of hemorrhoid removal, it is recommended that you have your condition diagnosed by your doctor. Your doctor will gather pertinent information and data related to the symptoms that you are experiencing and the length of time that you have been experiencing such symptoms.

Generally, it is more difficult to diagnose internal hemorrhoids and your doctor may have to perform physical examination of the patient’s anus using a metal probe known as proctoscope. This procedure is essential in order to rule out other medical conditions that may be associated to the perennial ano-rectal bleeding that is being experienced by their patient.

There are also some instances where the doctor would recommend another diagnostic procedure known as barium enema test. This diagnostic procedure involves the use of a special dye which is passed through the patient’s anus and this is followed by an x-ray procedure on the lower section of the patient’s abdomen. This procedure allows for a more detailed examination of the overall state of the hemorrhoid by the doctor.

It is only when the required examination and diagnosis are performed that you should consider and explore your options for hemorrhoid removal. Your range of choices includes over the counter ointment or cream, surgical procedure and natural treatment alternatives.