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Heidi's Design
Heidi's Web Site

Hi All, this is my HTML test web site. From what I have learnt in the tutorial tasks, I will demonstrate samples in this web site, such as underlining, BOLD and sizes. The tutorial was very informative and fun but tested my patience at times. I have created a list of my thoughts as follows: This is a sample of coloured text in a web site in Courier New font.
I will now try green here so you can see what it looks like.
And here is some text in Yellow and in Comic Sans MS font!!
....Grey does not look as effective on this page with the blue back ground.

The top bar image is my design and was created in PaintShop Pro. I hope you enjoyed reading my very brief beginner Html site. Please leave comments in my Blog if you would like. Thanks.

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Curtin Uni Net11 Studies