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Career Web Project
By Heather Hendrix


Career Reaction Summary
Cardiovascular technology is defiantly a career field that I plan to pursue; I have wanted to be involved in the medical field since I started middle school but when I reached high school I became positive that a field in medical imaging was the road I wanted to take. This occupation should fit right in with my lifestyle. I love working with people and doing my best to help them. However, all medical occupations can become time consuming but hopefully it will not be too overwhelming. Once I finish schooling and start a family, I hope this career will influence my family in a positive way. I plan to have a very stable job, with manageable hours and decent pay. Right now I am attending school but I have two options when I complete the CVT program; I can go straight to a job with an Associates of Sciences degree in cardiovascular technology or I could continue on to further schooling. I plan to pursue some more schooling and become a certified sonographer and then work my way up from there. One benefit of cardiovascular technology is that it will always be in high demand. Occupations in the medical field will always be needed because people cannot live without some type of medical care. Currently in Gainesville however, cardiovascular technologist are not in quite as high of demand as neighboring areas in Florida but there are still plenty of jobs available.
In this field there is a lot going on; one job activity that I would really, truly enjoy is working with echocardiograms. Imaging of the heart is absolutely amazing to me and I cannot wait to really experience it. However I think it will be difficult for me to continuously work with people who have heart problems because of the depressing atmosphere. The hospital atmosphere will be a big stressor for me; however, I recently attended a cardiac catherization and worked with some amazing people, so my hopes are high that my co-workers will have the same light and fun personalities. Some other factors that might be difficult for me include: constantly taking care of others, dealing with people who are distressed, and working under pressure. Taking on all those things at once will be hard to get used to but I love a challenge and think it will be a great experience in the long run.
I honestly feel that cardiovascular technology is going to be a good job for me. I will make enough money to be finically stable and comfortable. With my husband and my salary combined I should be able to afford all the things I plan to do with my life; have a big family, a husband and three kids, live on the water somewhere warm, have a boat, ect. This job will provide me with adequate benefits and provide me with retirement because I plan to continue this career until it is time for me to retire. I will be able to live just about anywhere I choose because there are hospitals and medical practices everywhere so my options as to where I will live will never be limited. This job will also be a job that I can be closely related with my co-workers. Fields like cardiovascular technology require teamwork and I love working and being close with other people. A career in the field of cardiovascular technology suits me very well.

Related Links

Cardiovascular Technologist & Technicians
Cardiovascular Technologist Overview

Cardiovascular Credentialing International
The Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals

Santa Fe College Cardiovascular Technology Program
UF Department of Medicine
Orange Coast College Cardiovascular Technology Program

Monster- Cardiovascular Technology Jobs
Careeronestop- Cardiovascular Techonology Jobs
Yahoo! Hot Jobs- Cardiovascular Techonology Jobs

1. Farr, J. Michael, Top 100 Computer and Technical Careers. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, 2007. ISBN: 1593573200
2. Pasterkamp, Gerard, Cardiovascular Research: New technologies, methods, and applications. Springer, 2005. ISBN: 0387233288
3. Exploring Health Care Careers. New York: Ferguson, 2006. ISBN: 0816064482