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We all want the best healthcare coverage but so few of us do anything about it. We are pretty quick to shoot down any political plan to provide better services and some of actually think we are already getting the best healthcare. However, the truth is the healthcare system in our country is a disaster. The system is in place to steal every possible nickel from you, treat you like a piece of meat, and send you on your way. First Step to the Best Healthcare Remove the health insurance profit. I know roughly 45% of you just lost interest in this article. I can hear it now, you are all spewing some “free market” nonsense, but very few of you actually know what that means. You heard it on the radio or some childlike chain email, and you are going to repeat it in your head. You either said that, or you said “I don’t want the government in between me and my doctor”. Think! Would you rather have a health insurance company? infant Lesson Plans Let’s put this another way – If the health insurance company provides you with the best healthcare, they will lose money. It is that simple. If they get you out of the hospital as quickly as possible, deny treatment, or you die they will earn more money. Do you really think there is a bunch of government people standing around saying, “well, we can’t let Jim in Tulsa have his operation, it costs too much”? It’s not their money, it’s our money is the first point, so why would they care? The second point is no one, and I do mean no one, is going to get a bonus or profit for denying you the healthcare that has become your absolute right as a human. Step Two to the Best Healthcare The next step is to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies at the federal level. Perhaps a system that the federal government backs the R&D, but get the finished product at a pre-negotiated profit margin. In other words, the government will pay for the research, but once done it will only allow the vendor a 10% profit on the production of the medication. The reason why the pharmaceutical companies charge $30, for $.11 of raw materials is because they have to fund the next big drug. Let’s take that out of the equation. Just by doing these two things, the healthcare system in this country would be the best in the world once again. I know many people think the big evil government is going to destroy all of our lives to feed their own greed, but the truth is this just never happens. Of course, we all think about a corrupt politician earning millions on the tax payer’s dime, however, these instances are few and far between. Think of some of the large government programs. Can anyone on earth really criticize the US military? I know a lot of us are freaking out about social security, but have they ever missed a payment? My grandmother has received her social security check every single month, on time, for nearly 30 years straight. To summarize, if we take politics out of the equation and do what is best for the country, we would have the best healthcare system in the world within 2 years.