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Perfect diet for preventing hair fall

Hair loss or hair fall is an embarrassing situation for any youngster. Hair fall in thirties can leave you sleepless and give you tons of tension. Hair fall may occur due to various reasons. Here, we are discussing about some dietary modifications to improve the health of your hair. It is not a guaranteed guide for all types of hair falls. This is because hair fall can occur due to the following causes.

1.     Nutritional defects

2.    Heredity

3.    Stress

4.    Diseases

If the root cause of your hair fall is the first on, more precisely, due to nutritional deficiencies, this guide will surely work. If it doesn’t, better go and consult your GP at the earliest. Even though hair is not sensitive, the topic is really sensitive, in both men and women. Dietary abnormalities and change in eating habits can suddenly impact on growth of hair. Here are some foods you must include in your diet to prevent hair loss at its earliest.

There are different types of hair fall symptoms as you may experience. Read our suggestions to add in your diet and select the best that suits you, according to the type of hair fall you experience.

Green peas is a very balanced source of vitamins and minerals. They are enriched with iron, zinc and vitamin Bs. Micronutrients contained in peas is essential for maintaining health of hair. If you experience breaking of hair, you should add green peas to your diet as an additive.

Shrimp, which is a good substitute of red meat, should be taken in abundance. It has enough proteins to build up muscles (as well as hair). You can make a thousand varieties of dishes with shrimp. Shrimp has a good concentration of Vitamin B12, iron, zinc etc. These will strengthen your hair and maintain its growth.

Carrots provide nutrients good enough for maintaining a healthy scalp. Strong and bright hair can come from a healthy scalp only. It gives a lean diet of proteins, micronutrients etc. It is a very good source of Vitamin A, which is absolutely necessary for a healthy scalp.

Prunes offer a multiple treatment for your hair including dryness, thinning, discoloring, hair fall etc. This is done by refilling iron resource in body. Iron is very essential for growth of hair. In addition to prunes, green leafy vegetables can also help.

Calcium is also necessary for healthy hair. Non-fatty dairy products can help. You can take yogurt, cottage cheese, skimmed milk etc. as sources of calcium. Fatty dairy products and milk may not do well. This is because milk is not well digested by adults. Non fatty dairy products as yogurt are a good source of whey and casein, which are well known proteins for maintaining health of hair. It also supplies biotin (a type of Vitamin B7), which is a good helper in fighting hair loss.

Oats contain a lot of fiber that is required to build a healthy scalp and hair. It also contains high concentrations of zinc, iron, omega 6 fatty acids and so on. They are excellent sources of Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA). These are obtained through diet only and so make sure that your breakfasts contain enough of this.

Walnuts and groundnuts also offer enough hair protective vitamins and micronutrients. Green leafy vegetables and fruits are the real all rounder sources of all micro-macro nutrients you need to maintain a healthy hair. Apart from a healthy diet, you should get sound sleep and a stress free life to defeat hair loss.
