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This is what I’ve written so far for the Wonder Woman movie I envision for Monica Bellucci, based on the earth 2 Wonder Woman, entitled “Wonder Woman: spirit of the earth”.

Opening Diana’s, played by Monica Bellucci, narrative voice over a montage of her naked body: “ I am.. I feel…. immortal.. in … spirit-….like…. foam… in soul.. like… like… my breasts.. rise and ebb with the waves.. like my thighs.. . run the course of snowy deserts.. like my stomach.. feels inside the pulse of snowy mists… all cold… so cold in mists of reflectiveness.. I feel the cold my natural habitat so often… a coldness soothing my body in reassurance.. promising my nakedness comfort in cold repose.. in the repose of reflecting icy reaches of soft, distant, desirings… desirings which are misty, mirroring desirings.. desires which don’t .. yes they do.. invade my torso.. reaching for volcanic depths in my pubis….. desirings run their course through my icy torsal reaches… like frost-patterns in my pubis which seek and pattern the holy spirit in its fluidity of love for desirings strong in the marine depths of dark-turquoise darkish blue meanings of concentrations of desiring pressures upon all the thousand natural shocks which flesh is heir to.

“….If such desires rankle me whole as my black lover’s heart find such in my mourning causes of heart’s a’sorrows in wanting morrows of such in ambition for warrior’s fate in mooring in rigged roaring for phantoms fate in warrior’s gait in posture old for ventures bold for of such seekings ribald as golden voices of soul sybald in siren’s glow of my fate in row in such beauty drawn my soul to groan in rocky rivers of own soul’s scissors of my rocky reds blood in mossing of gross soul’s saucing in wench’s heart my heart be bold in ribald’s rance my hearth be gold in heart’s hearth warm in breasts which swarm with waves ebbing tow for old’s moan of my stomach’s woe. All this in heart is my love in breastsmart of love for you in pubis dew.. in hearth in earth in heart in dearth in woe for so is love in dole.”

Earth 2 Diana:” The need of my soul is pure in deciet of many soul’s colours of may in twilight, twilight deceits of souls blush, may nextember in docymber twolights in summersglow and glory in my butt in g’rory and nightingale’s torrorry ‘and ‘neen’ the rachtin, the ‘gale’s of nush to raplin’s gush of my breasts in rush to riproarin’ lush of june to july in sush to in’s grive ‘n groaten’ drush- to bush’en’s tame to lion in mane’s glory lush to story ‘ grush my bush.”

Earth 2 Diana: “I feel many waters join in a confluence which is my mudsoul in flux to all such movements of earth tremoured souls en mass- I feel the mud of the earth in my heart, I feel it tremour with the South African tribes of naked white African women. I feel it slithe through my sinews of spirit like a battle-weary conscience, conscience feeling through a matrix of my physiology to its own requites of salvation, my conscience has to feel its way through all my mud metabolism to feel itself true.”

Earth 2 Wonder woman: “I channel earth spirits and divine spirits like an ancient naked Egyptian priestess of the Cleopatra variety. I feel like the smartest woman alive when I do the channeling, like a walking dancing archive of songs and vocal texts drawn from wells of vulgar conversations among the colloquial class.. I become a dancing colloquial incarnate.. a dancing speech of vulgar bent and cast.. divine spirits and earth spirits used to jangle with the common class of warriors like me, as Julian Jaynes has so elegantly noted.”

Earth 2 diana: “my ross in timbre-I;”-weeping-“is non fo’r rorrolow in thor’’argen in wenches loimber ‘all togedder legs in timber ‘all to-night ‘in nightingale’s lametnt- all’s is a soul spent. All is a soul meant. None to great for sorrows for hearts light in matter all decayed torch a heart in eclipse is night is darkness at noon- Is none to all soul’s hollow, all guts is empty decayed all to eclipse in suffering, defeat .. of lay- to ‘les in greetings to mayday to less to gress in victims ness…. I a ma a torutrued mess of nothing, no quiescence to pitch dark at noon… no none knowledge of night gress to roon to bespoke my mangled body in runes, to look form mhy open would in soul to othes vision of my night noons nission of ramping to rambles gressicions I rule no hearth of warmth of soul in nission…”

Earth 2 diana “I .. am in a torturers chambers.. I have no mouth with which to make of speech a rock.. a rock of weight.. I have no heart to mend to stone… I have no weight in my body to ground it to earth in battle of the hardy.. no hardiness to my melting hearts mellow of ressin’ to follow all my soul’s messin’ in weepins’ gress in love for all’ mollow is darth in ross…”

Young teenage, blond-haired earth 2 wonder woman- “I run in nonesuch lost in a a hole of blackeness interior of some black heart which I would fain affiliate with my own heart’s blackest volcanic depths of seeking.. I am in onesuch lost to my wherewithal of self all lost ever lost some or none where always lost like a goner to goner’s tune, some’ black melody.