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mY PrOfiLE "jElyN CaLUmpiAno"

bAliw mAn AkO sYong PaninGin, suBukAn MonG tUmitiG Skn MababALiw k dN..AhAhAha

wELComE tO my PROfiLE..!!!

aLL AbOut mE..!!!

  • nAmE: jELyn R. cALUmpiAnO
  • niCk nAmE: LynLAn
  • biRthday: mAy 6, 1990
  • hObbiEs: siNging, waTchiNG tv..
  • favOriTEs mUsiC: Any KiNd Of muSiC

    ???iTS mE..!!???

    Love is never wanting to lose faith, never wanting to give up, and never truly moving on. Love is knowing and praying in the deepest part of what's left of your heart that they feel the same.

    sPECiaL fRiENds..!!

    tROpanG kALOg iS the BEst..HAhAha

    "It takes a long time to grow an old friend"