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What are hackers?

hacker is any highly skilled computer expert capable of breaking into computer systems and networks using bugs and exploits. Depending on the field of computing. 

Hackers are People involved with circumvention of computer security. This primarily concerns unauthorized remote computer break-ins via communication networks such as the Internet (Black hats), but also includes those who debug or fix security problems (White hats), and the morally ambiguous Grey hats.

Grey hats are hackers who are neither good nor bad, and often include people who hack 'for fun' or to 'troll'. They may both fix and exploit, though grey hats are usually associated with black hat hackers.

Black hats are hackers with malicious intentions, and steal, exploit, and sell data. They are usually motivated by personal gain.

White hats are hackers employed with the efforts of keeping data safe from other hackers by looking for loopholes and hackable areas.