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Home Legal Warning #-E F-L M-S T-Z Compilations Solo Albums Services Offered Wants

Welcome to my Broadway trading site. Listed below is my musical theater collection. I am currently not open for general trades, however, I will still entertain the idea for something I've been trying to get my hands on. I'm also happy to gift something if I already have it uploaded, so it doesn't hurt to ask. My preferred sites for downloading are sendspace, yousendit, and rapidshare.

Everything I have is tracked, labeled, in the correct order, has been converted to MP3 format, and, except where noted, is complete. Generally, I compress to RAR archives. I don't care if you reuse my links for trading. I don't generally reuse links unless I'm satisfied the audio meets all my requirements: i.e. formatting, labeling, and correct track ordering.

Yes, I do refer to myself in the third person, meaning I am the Annegret of “Annegret’s master” "Annegret's remaster" "Annegret tracked" or any other instance where you see "Annegret," but include the note this way to ensure the note is copied with the cast information. I request that you include master information if available, mine or otherwise, when listing my items on your own trading lists.

For more information on most of my recordings, except the footwear, visit my Castalbums site If you see anything that is of interest to you, please email me.

Thanks for looking, and happy trading!
