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 A Carpet cleaning ny or couch cleaning service will inevitably come across a carpet or rug from which blood stains need to be removed. Sometimes a rug can be taken up and brought to the cleaning service’s headquarters for treatment, but a carpet will have to be treated in situ.

Blood stains, like other stains, should be dealt with immediately. The blood should be blotted up with paper towels at once. The owner shouldn’t be afraid to use a lot of them, until the moisture is gone. The owner should even step on the paper towels to make sure they absorb as much blood as they can. Then, the area should be soaked with cold water, and a liquid detergent applied. If this isn’t enough to get rid of the stain, it should be sprinkled with meat tenderizer or pectin. The tenderizer or pectin should then be left to sit, overnight if necessary and then be rinsed with cold water.

If the fabric can tolerate bleaching, hydrogen peroxide is also useful. The hydrogen peroxide should be poured on the spot and allowed to bubble before cold water is applied. The stain should then be blotted, but not rubbed or brushed, out. Rubbing or brushing will only work the blood into the carpet. Lemon juice and white wine vinegar are also effective against blood stains, again, if the carpet can tolerate a bit of bleaching.

Hot water should never be used on a blood stain during carpet cleaning because it will only cause the stain to set and become permanent.