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Dear Parents and Guardians,                           August 9, 2013


        Welcome to first grade!  This first note will be short and sweet.   I’m so pleased that these children have come together to form our first grade family at school.


        Our first meeting together is ORIENTATION, and that is scheduled for this Monday night, August the 12th at 6:00 P.M.  I hope to meet someone from each child’s family that evening.  Know that we have 24 enrolled in our classroom.  We have 30 chairs, so seating is at a premium.

        I’m sending home their library book this evening which they checked out on Tuesday.  I wanted taking them home to be a “big deal” so you would be aware of them.  They of course will be due back at school this coming Tuesday, and the children will be able to check out a new book and take it home that night.

        On Monday night I will give you your child’s PURPLE  FOLDER. That’s the one that will come home every night and needs to be returned every day.

                                       Looking forward to seeing you soon,

