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What's up?

GirL(i)nked is a site that started when a couple of lesbians decided to goof around in forums, giving the most blunt and (sometimes) outrageous answers to LGBT questions. The girls got some positive feedback from people for their answers and decided to turn a site that was a parody into a blog/magazine in which 6 different people journal their experience. A dyke bomb went off and the site wasn't updated much (unless it was updated by a lazy straight guy).


For the past few weeks, I've been trying to rebuild GirL(i)nked from how it was before but it's taking longer than expected due to the lack of resources - I've been busy looking for a source of income (that's legal).


Now that GirL(i)nked is run by one person (though I'll admit that some of my friends help me blog), this site is a personal site - my life through my eyes : The Life of an Androgynous lesbian.