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Here you will learn how to...______ integers

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Here you will learn how to add, subtract, multiply,and divide integers. Here's how. ADDING If the signs are the same than keep them.Ex. 5+5=10 If the signs are different than subtract the larger number by the smaller number,and keep the larger number's sign.Ex.6+(-7)=____, (-7)-6=-1, So 6+(-7)=-1(hint on step 2 act like the first negative isn't there.) SUBTRACTING Change the subtraction sign to a addition sign and change the second number to its oppisite.Ex.5-(-9)=__,5+9=14,So5-(-9)=14.MULTIPLICATION -x-=+, +x+=+, -x+=-, +x-=-. DIVISION Same rules for multiplicatoin exept instead of multiplying you divide.->->->->->->->->->P.S.on "multiplication"x means times,+ means positive, and - means negative.