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Nurturing Science Learning Through Leadership, Inquiry, and Exploration

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| Learning Evaluation/Assessment | Course Technology | Research Information and Links |


This website is designed to help teachers who wish to improve their science teaching skills and become strong science leaders.

Each element has specific content that is important for the successful implementation of the program.

Elements: Click on the links below to access information for each element.
buttonforward Introduction
buttonforward Course Description
buttonforward Course Materials
buttonforward Course Resources
buttonforward Learning Objectives and Expectations
buttonforward Learning Evaluation/Assessment
buttonforward Course Technology
buttonforward Research Information and Links



The importance of science instruction in elementary schools is often overlooked in favor of concentration on reading, math, and test preparation. Despite some perceptions, elementary school schedules can be demanding, and many teachers have difficulty finding time in their day to teach science. They labor with having to locate appropriate resources, and take out, set up, and clean up materials. According to Rick Allen (2006), many elementary school teachers don't like science, don't feel confident in their ability to teach science, and for all practical purposes don't know how to teach science. Additionally, the National Research Council (2008), noted that the challenge for teachers in science is to capture students' natural curiosity and motivation to learn. Unfortunately, the current mandated curriculum often allows little time for inquiry, exploration, and discovery.

These barriers can impede the instruction of one of the most important curriculum content areas. According to the National Science Teachers Association (2009), elementary science programs should provide students the chance to develop an understanding of scientific and technological skills as these tools will be necessary for them to effectively function as problem solvers in the real world.

The purpose of this learning module is to break through the obstacles that teachers face and bring about a change in attitude toward science and the use of technology tools to assist in the daily instruction of science content in the first grade classroom. The desired effect of creating science-centered classrooms and collaborative learning communities guided by teachers that are advocates for science and science leaders is the fundamental purpose.