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Tutorial Included for Blank Images

posted by Wex Call of Duty 2

If you would like to change the navigation, the sidebar block titles, the banner, or the logo, you can now find out how by going into the Blank folder provided, and then opening the index.html file in the inner Tutorial folder.

Click here to read the tutorial.


posted by ClanTemplates Call of Duty 2

Thank you for downloading this free template release from ClanTemplates if you have any questions, these paragraphs should address them or point you to where they can be addressed.

There are a few terms-of-use rules you need to follow if you want to use this or any ClanTemplates template but they are simple to follow. The first is that you must keep a link back to ClanTemplates either using a Lead Sponsor image or an affiliate link (depending on your template). This must be a hyperlink and must include the ClanTemplates 'C' logo. The second is that you must include any copyright footer in the template that tells you who designed and coded the template. This image (and/or text) should also link to ClanTemplates and must not be edited.

If you wish to add your own sponsors you are permitted to remove the designer and coder sponsors.

Editing your template

All templates released at Clantemplates are coded in html/xhtml & css so that even the most inexperienced individual can understand and edit the template. If you have either Frontpage or Dreamweaver at your disposal these would be recommended for you to easily edit and manage the code of your new website template. Below are 3 video tutorials that explain different aspects of how to use a template downloaded from Clantemplates.

All templates released at Clantemplates should include blank banner images for you to add your own clan's name to in order to personalize the template. Such images are generally included in the images folder which was in the zip file you downloaded and are normally denoted by the word blank in the filename. They may also be in a seperate folder called blank. Other blank images for various parts of a template, may be included in the folder, depending on the template you've downloaded. If there are no suitable blank images please ask in the Help Booth.


Here are some common errors taken when uploading your template:

It's all messed up - no images or colours are shown!

Make sure you upload EVERYTHING in your download folder. This includes the images and any .css or .js files.

None of the images are shown!

Have you uploaded all your images in the "images" folder they were in? Don't rename the folder, and make sure all images are in that folder exactly as they are on your PC.

Getting Help

Any questions that the video tutorials just didn't cover? Well the best place to get the kind of answers you need is to use that template you've downloaded is to submit your question for the Support Staff in the Clantemplates Help Booth. Make sure you include the name of the template you downloaded and the category (game) it was in. If things aren't displaying correctly include the name of the web browser you're using (e.g. Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3). Any question you may have regarding a template they will be able to answer for you.

Protek Template Released!

posted by ClanTemplates Call of Duty 2

Protek, a default gaming template, was released today at ClanTemplates. The template, designed by Agressions and coded by Wexy, is rumered to become the most popular template on ClanTemplates. This free template is coded to the highest web standards, and includes many features for its users, including:

  • W3C Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Table-less CSS markup under SEO Semantic Coding
    • Commented code is easy to edit and modify, or to integrate into a CMS
    • Loads quickly
    • Small page size
    • Cross Browser compatibility for all major browsers (IE6+, Firefox, Opera and Safari)
  • CSS and Javascript rollovers
    • Customizable roster
    • Dropdown Menus with up to three levels

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

Call of Duty 2 team reincarnated

posted by Agressions! Call of Duty 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam suscipit metus sit amet mauris. Aenean diam augue, volutpat et, tempus ac, ultrices non, quam. Vestibulum nec urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec neque lectus, blandit eu, molestie eget, sollicitudin et, velit. Proin posuere orci eu libero. Suspendisse accumsan, est ut venenatis posuere, magna sapien mollis arcu, sodales tristique lorem diam id purus. Etiam sollicitudin diam vitae nisi. Cras nisl erat, egestas nec, ultricies non, luctus et, nulla. “Morbi lectus justo, porttitor non, tempus a, vulputate at, quam. Duis ac lectus. Duis suscipit imperdiet ante”.

Sed lobortis, diam vehicula gravida cursus, turpis erat commodo purus, vitae luctus nisi urna quis velit. Quisque faucibus. Aenean hendrerit mi facilisis orci. Etiam augue pede, viverra sed, mollis ut, porta non, eros. Ut leo lorem, consectetuer non, lobortis eget, nonummy at, dolor. Vestibulum enim massa, ultrices consequat, fermentum cursus, gravida sed, purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur sit amet sapien in sapien varius lobortis. Integer sit amet lorem. Integer vitae erat commodo felis laoreet feugiat.

Call of Duty 2 team reincarnated

posted by Agressions! Call of Duty 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam suscipit metus sit amet mauris. Aenean diam augue, volutpat et, tempus ac, ultrices non, quam. Vestibulum nec urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec neque lectus, blandit eu, molestie eget, sollicitudin et, velit. Proin posuere orci eu libero. Suspendisse accumsan, est ut venenatis posuere, magna sapien mollis arcu, sodales tristique lorem diam id purus. Etiam sollicitudin diam vitae nisi. Cras nisl erat, egestas nec, ultricies non, luctus et, nulla. “Morbi lectus justo, porttitor non, tempus a, vulputate at, quam. Duis ac lectus. Duis suscipit imperdiet ante”.

Sed lobortis, diam vehicula gravida cursus, turpis erat commodo purus, vitae luctus nisi urna quis velit. Quisque faucibus. Aenean hendrerit mi facilisis orci. Etiam augue pede, viverra sed, mollis ut, porta non, eros. Ut leo lorem, consectetuer non, lobortis eget, nonummy at, dolor. Vestibulum enim massa, ultrices consequat, fermentum cursus, gravida sed, purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur sit amet sapien in sapien varius lobortis. Integer sit amet lorem. Integer vitae erat commodo felis laoreet feugiat.