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Quarters. She found Zardino in the lab

The mangled craft. Finally in front of her she could see a figure, slumped in front of a multi-coloured dial control panel. Coloured lights pulsed and beeped, as strange writing flashed across screens. Pieces of debris were kicked aside and the woman was able to lean over and unfasten a helmet identical to the one that she had so recently removed. The clasp proved stiff and she fumbled to undo it. Morbid thoughts raced through her head; that they should have travelled this far together, buy youtube views for so long, and now it could be all to no avail. She paused, pulling herself together, stood upright and took a deep breath. Her hands once more carefully searched out the clasp and this time it sprang open. Placing her hands either side of the helmet she gently slid it off, revealing a man's face. No movement came from the black-haired occupant. He bore many features similar to the girl; his skin was fair and his ears and nose were identical, although his mouth was a little wider. Rewn, Rewn! she called in an agitated voice, shaking his shoulders. Feelings of isolation began to loom in buy youtube views her as she was unable to extract any response. Here she was on a distant planet, miles away from their intended landing, the craft was wrecked and there was no chance of making contact with buy youtube views her people. She placed a hand on the man's neck. She could barely believe it; she could detect a pulse. To check, she moved her hand to try the other side; she could find nothing and her hopes fell once more. Then a groan from the man quickly dispelled these thoughts. Gently she yahoo slapped his face with the back of one hand. Rewn opened his eyes. Lutel? Where are we? What happened? he asked. The ship malfunctioned on entry. We've been separated, she replied. Rewn raised a hand to the back of his head and rubbed a bump. He felt little like listening to Lutel at the moment but his training and survival instincts forced him to concentrate. Our screen readouts last showed that we were heading for Earth in August 1665 but we are nowhere near the town of London. Rewn shuffled uncomfortably on his backside, and Lutel placed a supporting arm below each armpit and youtube helped him rise. He gazed around at the wreckage that surrounded him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Back on Mykas, when the Stilax had allotted him this mission, all had seemed so straightforward and clear. In fact if the ruling council had not chosen him to take part in this mission he was all set to volunteer. Earth and its youtube history had long been one of his interests, and the chance to visit another galaxy and a favoured planet in need of help appealed to both his sense of adventure and his philanthropic spirit. Even more intriguingly, the planet itself didn't appear to comprehend the full potential of the danger it faced. It seemed blissfully unaware of the abyss that its future evolution was about to fall into. To play a part in the progress and development of a fledgling world: buy youtube views what more could a Mykasian Startraveller want? More pleasingly, the Stilax had bowed to his request for his sister to accompany him, along with his long-standing friends Verde and Revin. A thought flashed through Rewn's mind. Had the same fate befallen them? Were Verde and Revin safe or had they too buy youtube views met with problems on entering the Earth's atmosphere? A tremor of helplessness surged through his body. On Mykas life expectancy was over