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Apple launched a new product called iPhone in the second quarter of 2010. Innovative product features are really doing very nice property. However, these features and brand reputation was quite expensive and currently in the range of $ 500 to $ 600, depending on subscription package service provider. So how about free ipads sound ? 

I think everyone has heard of free ipad products offered by the company to change people's participation in certain activities. Therefore, these offers are legitimate and genuine? Why give gifts or free products? What is the warning and do I have to pay when participating in its program and activity? All these are the frequently asked questions. However, we have to face it, nothing comes free these days and therefore what is it all about? 

The truth is that these companies are legitimate and are eager to give people a gift to the participants and willing to provide honest feedback to their services or products. This is quite common for pre-launch products, similar to iPad and iPhone. Manufacturers need public input to improve their services or products. Giving away free products, such as the Apple iPad as a reward is a cost effective way to have their products tested by the public who will ultimately use. By having the tester rewards program, companies are able to improve their products based on feedback on product design, features and usefulness. Typically, product defects and the insects will be released and informed during this stage and rapid repair is applied before the official product launch.