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The Football Agency

It's true. We’re committed to being the best source of news in the industry!

Since 2005, The Football Agency has helped football players do what they do best - play the game. We take the pressures of marketing, contract negotiation, and sponsorship off of the athlete, and manage them the way they should be managed – professionally! We are a Footballer’s Agent providing all kinds of Football Services. We help athletes handle the media, promote themselves, create brand awareness, and manage all that money a career athlete can make. We're the experts because we stay on top of the industry news and we’re dedicated to sharing it.

Industry News for Athletes:
You’re the athlete and we understand that training is your priority. We know you don’t have a lot of free time. It has to be that way if you’re going to be the best and we know you want to be the best. We also know that it takes more than just being in shape and developing better skills to make a great career. It’s also about knowing what’s going on in the business and that’s what the Football Agency does best.

We are a Footballer’s Agent who provides all your Football Services Our job is to help you build an amazing career and we take that seriously. It’s the reason we’ve taken steps to know exactly what is happening in the world of football and we pass it on to you. Whether it’s a lifestyle, finance, or branding issue that makes the news, being the first to know helps you make the best decisions for your career. We get it.

Industry News for Everyone:
Okay, so you’re not an athlete. Maybe you’re a sponsor, coach, a brand vendor, or a sports reporter. We’re here for you too. Everyone involved in the business of football wants to know when there’s news being made. That’s why The Football Agency has taken steps to be the best source for the latest and most important news in the sport, for everyone.

How do we get the latest and best news in the business?
Obviously we can’t be everywhere just waiting for industry news, so we’ve taken advantage of RSS (Rich Site Summary) technology. RSS connects us to syndicate news providers. Industry news is automatically fed to us and automatically downloads to our website. That’s right, when news in the football industry breaks, we know it instantly and we make it available to you on our web site.

How can you get the latest and best news in the business?
The easiest way is to create a bookmark to The Football Agency web site. You can also download an RSS reader and subscribe to our RSS feed. There are many free RSS readers available. Just search the web and download one that is compatible with your operating system. It’s really that simple.

We understand that you have bigger and better things to do than to spend hours searching the Internet for news of the game or trying to keep up with the various industry publications. We’re here to help. Let the Football Agency be your one-stop-shop for the latest and most interesting news in the business.