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Make Your Job Easy With Columbus Cork Floor

If you have pets at home then probably you should go with those flooring options that are the ultimate solution. For the pets at your home Columbus cork floors is the excellent option available. They are able to withstand compression up to 45% and are very durable. They are known to return back to their normal shape without damage after a long wear and tear. For the cats that may scratch your floor with claws this is very crucial. When released it will return back to its normal shape instead of getting torn in situation under the pressure. This kind of floor will not be harmed even by those dogs that have large nails. This material is also water resistance hence it does not absorb moisture or water. So here you will not have to work about the hurt to the floors if you have a dog that pees around in the home.

How it is the best choice for pet?

There are cases where people are allergic to the pets and you will have to lock them up. However it should be known that even if they are locked up their hair and dander’s are still there and will act as allergens to those who are prone to it. Columbus cork floor the ultimate solution as it is anti allergic. It is very easy to clean it wont hold pet dander or hair and is very easy to clean. With pollen or other allergens it works the same. Thus for those pets at hope the cork flooring is a good combination.