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Fenelon Owns
See the list of current unblocked proxies
How to set up an Arena for maximum 12 people instead of only 8
*Need a flash drive/memory stick* How to add a qick exit key to Quake
How to minimize quake (to bottom right area close to the clock)

This will be a web site for Quake 3 players at FFSS to get information on playing and setting up quake. This site will show you how to host games well and extra things you can do if you have quake on a flash drive, or memory stick, instead of the school's computer. If quake is not installed on your computer, you can get it HERE. (It may take a few seconds to start. 50MB)


- Check out the unblocked proxies section (not quake related, but useful.)


- Putting Quake on a flash drive / memory stick, and why this is good.

- Max players 12 instead of 8.

- Minimizing Quake

- Adding a fast exit key to quake


Send any questions you may have to EMAIL NEEDED. Site by hunteR_killeR
