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Family and Consumer Science

Mrs. Allen's Class

My Favorite Web sites

The Food Network
All Recipes
Fairfield Woods Middle School
Yankees Baseball

WELCOME TO MRS. ALLEN'S FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE WEB SITE-6th and 7th grade students will participate in a one marking period Family and Consumer Sciences Class as part of their Unified Arts program of studies. The primary objective of FCS is to equip students with some of the skills and knowledge necessary to lead safe, healthy, and productive lives. Students will make practical applications of their core academic subject content while leaning about Foods and Nutrition, Textiles, Consumerism, Child Care, and Home & Life Safety. 8th grade students may elect to continue their studies in Foods & Nutrition and/or Textiles. Now that you are familiar with the class structure I will tell you a little bit about myself. In my free time I enjoy sports, traveling and experiencing local cultures and cuisines. When I am really lucky, as I was this past summer, I experience local sporting events, culture and cuisine all at once.
