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Project Introduction: Cheetah


This project is required by the Web Publishing class in Sweetwater High School. Our great proffesor Mr. Lopez is teaching us how to apply our skills into a web page using Dreamweaver and CSS rules.

The Web page has to be about endangered species all around the world. Mr.Lopez provided us a list of endangered species and the one I selected was the Cheetah.

I chose this animal because the Cheetah is considered the world’s fastest land animal, it can run up to 75 miles per hour, Scientific known as Acinonyx Jubatus. This animal has long and muscular legs, long neck, small head, and a long tail that can grow to be as long as 32 inches for balance.

This mammal can live up to 20 years and it’s average size is 30 inches at the shoulder and can weigh up to 145 pounds. They are also able to climb trees and they prefer to chase down its prey rather than ambush them. Cheetahs can prey on any animal they can find including big animals like gazelles, impalas, Wildebeest and antelopes and smaller animals like hares, ground birds, and warthogs.