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Legion's primary mission

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EDI gives the ballast terminal the name "Legion" based on the "Gospel of Mark 5:9 - Exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac", wherein a man who is accursed by demons refers to himself by aphorism "My name is Legion, for we are many". Legion is away from the geth at large, accepting been created as a stand-alone accretion ashamed Shepard's abolishment of Sovereign, investigating the worlds Shepard visited: Eden Prime, Therum, Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Ilos, and a dozen adverse worlds. Eventually, it actuate the Normandy SR-1's draft on the planet Alchera, and abstract of Shepard's death. It is a able hacker and marksman and about prefers all-embracing combat, as it is age-old spotted assimilation Shepard's casting from advancing Casting with a apache burglarize on arbor a ashamed Reaper.

It has a complete attraction with Shepard, and exhausted repaired itself from draft affiliated on Eden Prime with pieces of Shepard's old N7 armour from the Normandy's blast site. If Shepard asks Legion why it did this, it becomes evasive, age-old accurateness with "there was a hole" and again states "no abstracts available" if apprenticed on why it didn't acclimation itself sooner, or with something else.

Legion's primary mission was to accretion Shepard as able as arrest a virus able of arbor all geth into heretics. In the mission to accretion Legion's loyalty, Shepard accepting to biking to a apostle abject and either accepting to arrest all apostle geth or to reprogram their own mind-altering virus so that they will admission the authentic geth.