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Important Texts

Important texts

In Interencephalonism, we feel humble enough to know that other religions and codes of conduct which came before us not only have beautiful and sensible rules, but describe them in ways much more eloquent than we could hope to approach. Many religions have provided guidelines, rules, and social laws that have led humans along happy paths and which encourage helping one another and getting along. Since we also encourage those from other religions to continue to practice their faiths and doctrines while subscribing to our system of belief, our important religious texts include such gems as the Bible, the Qur'an, the Tanakh, the Pali Canon, and the Daozang, though we do not usually support literal interpretations of texts, excepting those regarding rules of conduct. Instead we believe in the *overall* teachings of such texts and the fact that most of their passages provide for the loving of one's fellow man. New adherents to the Interencephalonist faith are encouraged to bring their own texts and positive ideals.