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If you are finding a large number of mice in your home, you may be dealing with an infestation. Nobody wants to live in a home infested with mice. If you want your home to be free of pests such as mice, you will have to take some preventative steps. 

The first thing to remember is to keep your home and your belongings clean. A clean home is not an ideal habitat for mice. Don't forget to clean hard to reach shelves and drawers, and make sure your garage is not filled with clutter. Rubbish bins must be kept covered at all times. Mice don't invade homes for the fun of it, they do it in search of food. If they are not able to find food, any mouse that finds your home will not stay long. They are looking for a good place for them to create a nest and raise their young. It is the breeding and nesting that turns a few random foraging mice into a full-blown infestation. 

If you want to get rid of an existing mouse infestation, you will need to use mouse repellents, traps, and possibly hire a professional exterminator by visiting their website. If your home is in a rural environment, especially if you have farms nearby, you will have to be extra careful about preventing mice from getting into your home. Mice and rats are very common on farms due to the abundant food supply. They can even damage crops when their numbers swell large enough. However once the cooler fall months hit, outdoor sources of food dwindle. This is when they start looking for a safe haven for the coming winter months. If you want to avoid becoming that haven, make sure you seal all possible entrances to your home. You may even need to use rat mesh on your windows to prevent entry. 

Common places for mice to seek shelter are attics and garages. If you want to avoid infestation, you will need to ensure these areas are clean. Clutter makes for handy nesting material, and you may find your belongings destroyed. It is very important to get rid of any mice which have invaded your home. While the most common method of getting rid of a mouse infestation involves killing the mice, some people do not like to harm small creatures. They would rather the mice find a new home out in the wild. While this will not control a large infestation, there are some non-lethal methods of keeping mice at bay. 

Some people have found that eucalyptus and mint leaves repel mice. Try leaving them scattered in areas mice frequently travel. They cannot stand the strong smell and will leave. An infestation of mice is a serious problem. That's why it is important to take action at the first sign of a mouse, or better yet before you see one.