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How To Throw The Best Party

Ever wish that you could capture all those exciting party moments? Ever find yourself telling a funny story, and ending it on the flattest story note every: You have to be there. Going to a party and having fun is great. But there is a certain magic at parties that becomes lost in translation when you try telling anyone about it. What is even worse, unless they were next to you, other people who went to the same party as you may not even be able to understand the hilarity of your experience at the party. Luckily, there is a solution.

Photo booths make parties so much fun. Imagine being able to enjoy a party, but then have pictures of the best moments, or just pictures with your friends to keep for your album. Photo booths create lasting memories that can be touching, goofy or just plain fun. Photo booths are the ultimate party accessory, and can turn an average party in to a fun, life filled party perfect for party goers of all ages. The best part is, you never have to even buy one; you can easily rent a photo booth for your party without having to spend a hole through your wallet.

Of course, photo booths may be a great addition to a party, but they certainly are not the only thing that makes a wonderful party. Ever find yourself at a party, where everyone is standing around, and you think, “What is this all about? Where is the party? Where is the fun?” many times, people throw parties and expect the guests to be the party themselves. Unfortunately, this is not realistic in most cases, especially when most of the guests are not familiar with one another. To throw a great party, you need to choose some great, fun activities. One of the most common, and most popular, costs nothing; charades. Playing charades is a load of fun, and can have your guests in stitches. Just remember; never expect the guests to be the party if you want to have the best party.