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Robert Michael Freeman (RMF)

Robert Michael Freeman (RMF)

[:-Disclaimer:] Welcome everyone to the wonderful world of Drake Pheonix. This layout was created and designed by RMF. Please do not steal this layout or he will hunt you down like the dog you are. I am not responsible for ANYONE that is offended by any of my roleplays. The roleplays that I do will most of the time contain Mature and sexual content, viewer discretion is advised and if you don't like that, You can suck my dick. Thank you and have a wonderful time reading MY roleplay [:End Disclaimer:]

Roleplay Title:
Upcoming Match:
Career Championships Held:
None as of Yet
EWL Championships Held:
None as of Yet
People Mentioned:
Read to find out
Career Win/Loss Record:
0 Wins - 0 Losses - 0 Draws
EWL Win/Loss Record:
0 Wins - 0 Losses- 0 Draws
Drake's Enemies:
1. None 2. None 3. None 4. None 5. None
Drake's Allies:
1. None 2. None 3 Noe 4. None 5. None

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