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Emily Anne
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These are the days that define us, bury us as they may...

If you're paying attention, you kinda learn early on that you sorta have to jump up and down and scream and shout to get what you need in life (what you want is a whole different story). We are so conditioned to listen to directions, follow rules, and do what we are told. Before we are wise enough to know that advice is better when you carefully dissect it and tailor it to your unique situation the rat-race begins… And in the midst of this chase you inevitably stumble into a livelihood. So, you start pushing through the crowd, hoping to shave a few seconds off of this and that…

…Then it happens… you start to get that overwhelming feeling… that you’re going nowhere --- FAST! And if the daily grind doesn’t wear you down to a lemming, racing amongst the pack, bouncing from one meeting to the next, you suddenly realize that THIS isn’t living.

…But unfortunately you just keep on keeping on – you jam that feeling of enlightenment and self realization down into a deep pocket within your brain and move on - That’s life!!! Ug! But if you keep your beady little eyes peeled, your ears open, and an open mind – you just might find refuge in those little things… hundreds of little things… that add up to... enough.

I, for one, love the way life changes me as I bounce around like a ping pong ball trying to breathe it all in. I read a poem the other day (on the Guerilla Poetics Site) that inspired me to create this website and share some of my thoughts… and my poems. I would love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy!

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