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Protein Intake And Weight Loss – Expert Advice From Top Nutritionists

The modern life has forced a variety of diseases, discomforts and problems on us. Obesity is a menace for many and a big concern for the fitness and medical worlds. Obesity loads your body with huge fat masses letting you weigh more. Sometimes, the results of obesity are horrible in making you feel difficult to walk, letting you gasp for breath even while doing a few simple chores, unable to use the stairs for climbing up, joint problems and knee pains, high blood cholesterol levels, cardiac problems, sluggishness, loss of self-esteem and organ failures in the long run. Hence, you can never overlook this problem. Here is a proven way to overcome the obesity problem.

What about those tiring workouts

Thinking of obesity, the first thing that comes to our minds is a gym with all the necessary exercising equipment, trainers and rigorous workout sessions. The first enemy to workouts is the modern lifestyle we have. Most of us are too busy to commit ourselves sincerely and regularly to those workouts. Also, we do not feel motivated to work out when we have no body building or slimming goals in front of us. Some people warn you that once you start your exercise regime, you cannot afford to give it up at some point, which would mean gaining back those lost pounds within no time. With all this, we really find it a tough thing to resort to this remedy for losing weight.

Protein intake

When it is the question of losing weight, most of us would blame out diet and become conscious of the calories we intake. However, health and nutrition experts along with fitness professionals say you must focus on protein intake if you wish to lose weight the easy way. The corporate dietician Alexandra Miller asks us to focus more on protein intake. The three top advantages of proteins making them ideal intake for losing weight are it keeps you fuller for a longer time, it repairs muscles and tissues and it boosts up your energy levels.

How much protein is ideal?

Everyone’s body and metabolic rates are different. Therefore none can prescribe a fixed protein intake formula for all people. The protein needs of every person depend on the body weight. However, we can always go by the general rule that says the mini9mum protein intake advisable for most people is 0.4 grams per pound. So, if you wish to know what will be the ideal quantity of protein you must take, multiply your body weight in pounds with 0.4 grams and you got the recommended value.

Try our protein drinks

When there are a number of ways to consume proteins, our range of best protein drinks will suffice your requirements in the right way. We always believe in delivering quality foods and supplements to our clients and therefore all our products are driven by quality considerations. Use our protein drinks and see the difference it makes with regard to your weight loss plans. The top quality of our offerings is a perfect blend of quality and price.