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Around the World in 80 days!
(well, maybe not 80 and maybe
not the world)

Nick's Travels

San Antonio -- June 18, 2007

Sarita & Robstown -- June 24, 2007

Tyler & Hutto -- July 07, 2007

San Marcos -- July 22, 2007

Nick D. Bear's Details

Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Height: 1' 3"
Weight: 11 ounces
Fur Color: Cream
Eye Color: Black
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
DOB: November 19th
Tyler -- July 29, 2007

San Jacinto/Houston -- August 11, 2007

Museum Day/Austin -- Septermber 23, 2007

Texas Renaissance Festival -- October 07, 2007

Corpus Christi -- October 13, 2007

Nick D. Bear's Blurbs

About me:
I'm 24 in bear years. I love to travel, sail,
photography, honey but not bees, and fish.

Who I'd like to meet:
Nice people who will give me honey or fish
(or both). People from all over who wish to
share their tails...err.. I mean tales about
their travels or anything else they'd like.

Nick D. Bear's Interests

General: Honey, fish, photography, honey,
traveling, animals, honey. Did I mention honey?

Television: My human works evenings so
we mainly watch t.v. late at night. I like
Family Guy and Futurama which we watch
on AdultSwim. I recently discovered Inusha.
I'm not a big anime fan but for some reason I
like this show. Other then that, at this time
of night, everything else is just pretty much
infomercials. And who loves infomercials?

Books: My human loves to read but it's
mostly about vampires and werewolves and
such. So even though I hide under the covers
during the scary parts, I still enjoy a good book.
Among some favorites, Laurell K. Hamilton and
newly discovered, Stepenie Meyer. Her stuff is
more suspenseful than it is scary and I much
rahter preffer that to scary. It's also sort of
like a teenage love story but I just ignore that