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 This is just a little website that I am working on. This Home page is just some basic stuff like weather conditions in my area, A module that supposedly will show when the site was last updated, a module that tells the current time, a visitor counter, a Photo album with comment capability, a guestbook with comment capability, and a share this site module. I will probably add a lot more to this site later. And hopefully I will have enough that I can add several other pages. I know that right now it is not very impressive but given time I just might make it a place where family and friends can come to see what is going on with me and a fun place to visit for all. I will try to work on it and if you do check in on me from time to time and don't see a lot done comment using the guestbook /comment section and it will email me and maybe your comments will spur me on. If you have any suggestions for the site let me know with a comment as well. I am thinking about placing some of the off grid survival stuff I have pinned on Pinterest on this site as well. So keep watching  and coming back maybe there will be something on here you will like or need.