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How to convince your partner for DNA test

Marriage according to scriptures is holy. The society also considers marriage as the highest watermark of modern culture. Today’s modern culture also encourages or rather provides plenty of opportunities for sex out of marriage. It is not uncommon for newly married couples to suspect each other of infidelity. Trust is the basis of true love and even if you suspect your wife it is wise to be silent until things are confirmed. Mere suspicion or believing rumors may at times ruin a happy and peaceful marital life. Having a little patience and common sense could save your marriage. It is true that the society earlier believed that only evil men or insane human beings suspect their wives. Now things have changed, the world is indulging in immorality and suspicion is no longer a taboo.   

Even though modern civilizations accept the fact that suspicion as a sensible feeling, marriage is also considered to be highest watermark of modern culture. Any action that breaks it will only make you feel low. If you are wondering how to get out of the situation, paternity DNA testing is the right solution. However, in spite of being modern women often hesitate to undergo DNA testing when pregnant. Do not conclude that your wife has had sex out of marriage if she denies pre birth paternity testing. May be she is afraid of injuring the baby inside. It is your duty to convince her to undergo DNA testing while pregnant. 

A good way to start the discussion is by discussing the various pre pregnancy medical tests and gradually driving the topic into how DNA tests can help you check the health of the fetus. Diverting the topic to the genetic inheritance of ailments and the chances to cure them at early stages is a great way to start with. Do not feel shy to open up about your family history in genetic disorders to let her know why DNA testing while pregnant is essential.

There are two ways to make your wife feel the seriousness of the situation. The first way is to discuss the test in a serious manner that she get herself prepared for the test. The second way is a casual suggestion of the test which would create interest to know more about the unborn child. Since you know your wife better than anyone else, you need to choose the right method to convince her for the test. Promise her that you would keep it confidential if she ever considers such a test.

If you feel your wife is adamant, you can avail the help of your family doctor to convince her for the test. Any faithful wife would certainly comply at this point. If yours still isn't willing to undergo the test, you can know that there is something fishy. In this case you need to wait until the child is born. Once the child is born as a parent you have the rights to conduct postnatal paternity testing for confirmation of your relationship with the child.  


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