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DINO Squadron Rules



DINO Squadron Rules ~ “Delta India November Oscar”

Presented by DINOxKANE

Rules Section Alpha: Code of Conduct

I . Purpose

The purpose of this directive is to describe the types of conduct involving fellow squad members and other gamers of the Xbox Live community which is prohibited, including that which is unlawful, and to establish procedures for the reporting and investigating of such conduct in any form of communication over Xbox Live.

II. Policy

It is the policy of the DINO Squadron that all of its activities shall be conducted in accordance with current standards of good gaming practice. All squad members shall carry out their duties in such a manner that the dignity of every gamer is protected to the fullest extent possible. Members must report suspected abuse and/or exploitation of gamers to the Squad Leader as required by squadron policy. Following investigation, if improper conduct by a member is found to have occurred, appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken including possible expulsion from the Squadron.

III. Member Rights

Members must treat the Squadron pilots and all others fairly; regardless of their age, gender, race and cultural orientation, sexual orientation, religion, social supports, psychological characteristics, physical or mental disability, or veteran status.

IV. Prohibited Conduct

The following types of improper conduct are strictly prohibited, and any squad member who is found to have engaged in such conduct may be removed from the squadron.

A. Psychological Abuse

"Psychological abuse" means deliberately subjecting a gamer to threats or harassment or other forms of intimidating behavior causing or likely to cause fear, humiliation, degradation, agitation, confusion, or other forms of serious emotional distress. Psychological abuse includes but is not limited to, abusive language, use of profane language, calling names, threatening physical abuse or exploitation, teasing or ridiculing, making sexual or sexually suggestive comments or encouraging other gamers to tease, ridicule, or make sexual or sexually suggestive comments.

Note: Profane or Abusive Language

All use of profane or abusive language to other gamers, or use of profane or abusive language in the presence of gamers, is improper and prohibited, and will subject an offending squad member to disciplinary action, whether or not it is subsequently shown that such conduct caused or was likely to cause serious emotional distress.

B. Exploitation

"Exploitation" means:

1. causing or requiring a gamer to engage in activity or labor which is improper, illegal, or against the wishes of the gamer

2. an improper, illegal, or unauthorized use of the funds, assets, property, power of attorney, guardianship, or conservatorship of a gamer for the profit or advantage of the squad member or another person.

Exploitation includes, but is not limited to, borrowing money or property from a member without any intention to pay them back or return their property, and selling illegal goods or services to a gamer.

C. Cheating and/or Tampering

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, using a modified controller including one with “turbo” buttons, modifying or hacking game content to “glitch” or gain an advantage, and using any unauthorized methods to inflate your online ranking.

V. Forms of Disciplinary Action

The following will be used by the Squad Leader as guidelines for taking disciplinary action to correct inappropriate pilot conduct.

A. Pilot Counseling

For relatively minor occurrences of inappropriate behavior, misconduct, and violation of rules, a member will be verbally counseled.

1. The Squad Leader shall inform the member in private of the unacceptable conduct.

2. The Squad Leader shall explain how the conduct has been improper or unacceptable and discuss ways in which the member may improve or correct conduct.

3. The Squad Leader shall inform the member that personal conduct must improve.

4. The Squad Leader shall further inform the member that unless the problem is corrected: the member will be subject to further disciplinary action including possible expulsion/dismissal.

B. Dismissal

If progressive discipline fails to correct misconduct, the member is subject to dismissal. Extremely serious offenses may call for dismissal even in the absence of prior disciplinary actions.


Rules Section Bravo: Prerequisites to becoming a DINO Squad Member

The following is a list of requirements for an Xbox Live gamer to become a part of the DINO Squadron.

1. The pilot must be age 12 or over, and demonstrate the maturity of an adult.

2. The pilot must have an active Xbox Live Gold Membership

3. The pilot must own a copy of Ace Combat 6 for Xbox 360

4. The pilot must speak with the Squad Leader concerning his/her acceptance into the DINO Squadron

5. The pilot must remove all offensive and inappropriate material from his profile.

6. The pilot must change his Gamertag upon acceptance into the Squadron. The requirements for his/her new Gamertag is as follows:

A. The Gamertag must start with: DINOx

B. There will be no spaces in the entire Gamertag unless the pilot is using two or more words for their Gamertag after the first five letters of DINOx

C. All of the letters or characters in the entire Gamertag MUST be capitalized, except for the lower-case “x” that follows DINO

D. Ideas for the Gamertag of the new recruit must be discussed with the Squad Leader. The Squad Leader must approve of the pilot’s new DINOx Gamertag name before the recruit changes his Gamertag.