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Have you been done dirty by Dugan? Then your in the right place!! 

 For a while now Dugan has been going around like he is Gods gift to the earth and making peoples life that much worse. He acts like he is the greatest thing ever and is never wrong. Most everyone who meet him regrets it for the rest of there life. There are two confirmed cases of people who have committed suicide after meeting Dugan. Dugan has a tree tattooed on his back to show his respect for the environment the he loves so much but woulnt do a damn thing about. The Dugan is a conisour of Herion and can tell you the rating of the dope from memory.  Dugan trys to steal friends from others but dose not realize that they dont want to be friends with him. The only reason anyone talks to him is because they need something from him. His arrogance, self centered-ness, and extremely over inflated ego could gag a baby death.