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Changes made to a page that are saved are saved locally to our local disk (thumb drive)
We need to replace the file currently on the web server with the one we just made changes to.

September, 18, 2009 NOTES

Set up Site through Dreamweaver connecting to Angelfire...

Whatever we do with our files in the file panel wihin Dreamweaver is reflected on the actual local disk itself. Example if we copy and paste a file through the files panel then that new filed witll be our disk...

When we make changes to a file and seve it, we need to go to the files panel in dreamweaver and upload it using the put icon which is an up arrow, all files need to be saved with lower case to avoid any conflicts.

Dreamweaver will copy the file structure to the Angel fire server.

For Example:

If we upload our classwork file and it is contained withing a classwork folder then the folder gets uploaded as well.

When creating links we must put the entire path of the file.

For Example

If a file is inside a folder then we need to include that folder name in the path of the link... Please see calss notes for screen shots. When linking to an external link, meaning a link that is not inside of our web site then we put the full qualifier path... for example if we want to link to CNN's Home page the link will look like this CNN