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Modeling Performance Forecast Device Learners in Systems Open

The rapid spread of the Internet has caused significant changes in many sectors of the economy and society worldwide. Web Design Development With the rapid development of information technology and technology, Web Design service a new form of education appeared, which is none other than the e-learning (distance learning), which revolutionized the educational process. Additionally, the Web is gradually transforms the Web, new models and standards (XML, RDF, and OWL) developed to promote this process. The expression, transmission, and search for Web Design information using these standards open new horizons in Internet use. Technologies are increasingly gaining ground for Web Design knowledge representation.

In a large ontology containing useful data for a system of distance education, it is worth going to investigate the "hidden knowledge", i.e. to discover potential associations, or associations, to find patterns or forms that are repeated or extreme events. This theory is a show technology for timely and accurate prediction of the performance of students in a system of Web Design distance learning. The basic idea stems from the need to design an ontology which can store knowledge about the skills students (user profile) in relation to a specific learning object (PLI23 - Telemetric Internet of the Greek Open University (HOU)) the has very specific products and 4 compulsory written assignments per year). Web Design Development service The following are the results of a study on analysis of students with mining techniques. The result is a knowledge base on which made promptly and accurately predict the student's behavior, that is if you manage to complete successfully or not the Topic undertaken in the CRD, so the educator can very early to hold up the student with extra material if required.”